Why Should You Use Open Source Libraries In Your Projects?

Updated 10 Aug 2023

8 Min




Open source software is literally conquering the world, affecting all aspects of information technologies. During the last 5 years, the utilization of the open source software has doubled and became a global trend. Today open code can be the basis for some operating systems, applications, libraries, databases, cloud computing, big data etc. In the modern world of the information technologies, open source products offer great possibilities for the companies providing mobile app development services and their teams. They surpass proprietary software in price, quality, reliability and customization capabilities and there many advantages of open source software yet.

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Why Should You Use Open Source Libraries in Your Project?

Some programmers turned into the advocates of open source software. They even are ready to provide users with the fruit of their labor for free. What are the advantages of the open source library and why should you use it in your projects? Let's ponder this issue.

What is the open source software?

We need to understand the meaning of open source software. Broadly speaking, software falls into two main categories regarding the terms of the license used: proprietary and open source software. The fundamental difference between these two categories stems from the availability or non-availability of the right to change the source code.

Get acquainted with Android open source libraries. Read Top 10 GitHub open source Android libraries to speed up development

The source code of the closed software cannot be copied, viewed or changed. Being a property of developers, it is kept in secret. Windows, Mac, Microsoft Office, Skype, iTunes, Google Earth, WinRAR, Adobe products can be determined as widely used proprietary software.

Proprietary software

Proprietary software

Licenses of free and open software grant access to the source code to anyone who wants to read it, improve, and discuss with others. Such licenses facilitate the development of cooperation and free ideas exchange. Furthermore, they allow to share the necessary information with other people and unite efforts for increasing the opportunities. Linux kernel, GNOME Desktop etc serve as examples of open source software.

Open source software

Open source software

Therefore, open software provides everybody with the following capabilities:

  • It allows adapting of software product to the needs of a specific user or a user group; 
  • To eliminate the errors of previous developers; 
  • To modify and refine the software. 

It is important to note that some specialists are trying to establish the strict line between the conceptions of open source software definition and free software. Some users pay a particular attention to the ethics and freedom of working with OSS so it is called 'free software'. Other users are interested only in purely practical aspects of OSS so they call it 'open software'. In fact, both terms describe the same software category since almost all open software is free as well.

Advantages of open source libraries

Over the past decade, open source code has become the basis for open source software development and the driving force for innovations. In many cases, open source libraries and software have significant advantages over proprietary software. By the way, it's price is not a sole advantage.

Popularity of open source projects

Popularity of open source projects

Quality and reliability

As a rule, open source library is a well-developed set of subroutines and functions. It's technical supremacy is the main reason why many developers and companies prefer open source libraries and software.

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Open code draws intelligent brains in the technical sector. Whereas closed source software is developed by a small group of specialists, open source software can be built by thousands of skilled and motivated app and web developers.

Moreover, all users of best open source software have access to the source code and debugging tools. Everyone can scrutinize and fix errors, offer possible modification and expand the functional set of such library.

Security and stability

In general, OSS is considered to provide a high level of security. It directly relates to the availability of the source code. Thus, open source development libraries can be always under the close monitoring. As errors and vulnerabilities are usually eliminated by the developer community almost immediately, it determines a good quality of the product.

Also, advocates of the open source code notion define open source software as a software that is almost not subject to viral attacks. And even in a case of the threat, it can be eliminated within the shortest period of time due to a free access. And if one cannot cope with this task, the debugging can be made with the mutual efforts.

Adaptability and customization

Unlike closed libraries, OS library allows you to adapt code more easily to your specific requirements and needs. Since source code is open for all persons interested, companies can use all available functionality of the library for free and add new functions to your software development projects.

The capability of the customization and adjustment still remains one of the main reasons to give preference to the open source library and software.

Freedom and flexibility

One more reason to use open source software is their flexibility. This code is not linked to the one specific developer, so it can offer a wide range of capabilities. Users can choose only those functions that meet their requirements or to create the new function just changing the source code since open source software license makes such actions possible.

Cooperation and community

OSS stimulates the cooperation development and building of the community of professionals keen on technologies. Developers share their experience and learn from each other. As to companies, they benefit from the increased attention paid to their products and even can provide list of open source software. They also strive to make these products better, more reliable and modern.

So as we can see, it is much better to use open source library especially if you create open source project. Apart from being free, such library can substantially upgrade the competitiveness of your final product.

Our expertise in open source libraries development

Cleveroad company can also boast about several open source libraries and software that can enrich your own software. Don't waste your time and see what expertise we have in our pocket.

SlidingTutorial for Android

This OSL will be useful for those who wants to create their own sliding tutorial. Do you need to provide your users with some tutorial with an attractive design and good functionality? If so, you have no right to ignore this library. SlidingTutorial is a very suitable and practical library. Go ahead and download it! Also, you can read our detailed case study where we provided an abundant description for case of sliding tutorial for Android.


SlidingTutorial for Android

PageView Controller for iOS

Aren't you tired of the boring navigation interface in a PageView Controller on your iPhone? To change the situation, check out our CRPageViewController library. Our library makes it possible to change the screen width and height manually according to your needs. On the basis of the library capabilities, you can modify your PageView Controller and make it cool and updated. Or add library functionality to your open source design software. Feel free to use it!


CR Page View Controller

See how to develop an application like Shazam. Read How to develop a Shazam-like application

WaveInApp for Android

We bet everybody likes listening to the music. Today there are many devices that allow us to do it, but most of us listen to their favorite songs on the mobile devices. We use standard music player that usually has no something fascinating in it's design. But due to our WaveInApp library, you can turn your audio player into an animated equalizer. Moreover, the library can take the audio file from any source and make animations on the screen of your smartphone. Animated waves will resonate with the rhythm of the music. If you create an open source music software, then this library is created for you! You can also get acquainted with the process of the WaveInApp development in our case of Audio Visualization View.



AdaptiveTableLayout for Android

And the last but not the least library is created not for the purpose of entertainment. It can help users work with CSV files. Now, if you want to view, edit, change CSV files, display pictures via links, and apply other interesting features in your app, you should use our AdaptiveTableLayout library. It can be used in open source office software, for example. Also, you can use our CSV Editor that you can download on Play Market for free.


AdaptiveTableLayout library

See how much does it take to design an app. Read How much does it cost to design an app?


There are weighty benefits of using open source software and libraries in your projects. Using them you can enrich your new software with many interesting features for free. It is completely safe for your software. Moreover, you can always edit and change features of any open source library. We are always ready to help you with the development of all software you need, so just write us a letter and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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About author

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics

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