Smart Farming: 10 Most Popular Agricultural Apps
Updated 01 Jun 2023
8 Min
If you are a farmer, I suppose you use not only tractors and plows today. There are many smart IT technologies to assist you in your farming business. Although agricultural apps are highly specialized, you wont find them in the top ratings of the App Store or Google Play, despite the fact that there are many available apps on the market.
Utilization of mobile apps and automated technologies (smart irrigation systems, sensor networks, GPS trackers etc.) makes the farming process more progressive and efficient. In addition, these innovations help farmers reduce costs, increase crop capacity and profits. So, youd better learn what top 10 apps for agriculture can become your best assistant. Beyond any doubt, the developing of the app for farming will be the solution to your business problems.
Apps designed for agriculturist
Pocket Rain Gauge
This app is a useful tool for horticulturists, farmers, and even golf fans. It is a pocket rain gauge that displays precise data about the precipitation bases on the users geolocation. It works in 48 states of the USA. Besides that, this app allows you to check the level of precipitations for the past 24 hours in your personal user profile. Also, there is a feedback system where users can send reports about the accuracy of the prediction.
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Best feature: it provides high accuracy in precipitation, because all data is updated every hour.

Pocket Rain Gauge app
Sirrus Premium Upgrade
This app was developed for iPad and iPhone to help agriculturists and farmers to cooperate and find mutual agricultural solutions. Connecting to the AGX platform, field data is standardized and can be available offline. It also makes it possible for other users to check this data, and then create mutual recommendations for the field cultivation and pest control.
Moreover, this app allows users to create reports and send them by e-mail, draw new agricultural field boundaries and manage them. The premium version has also one interesting feature like Product Label where you can find all kinds of information about new insecticides, nutrients for the care of plants, and shops where you can buy them.
Best feature: it allows farm owners to share data and make mutual decisions regarding the specific location of the economic agents.

Sirrius Premium Upgrade
Descartes Crops
The app submits weekly yield predictions for the USA and it's districts. Here you can check crop statistics by district. Also, you can see national yields predictions. Due to the geolocation feature, users can share their data about the crop capacity. In the comments and questions section, users can leave their recommendations and discuss current problems.
Yield predictions are fully automated. They are attained due to weather, agricultural data, and satellite system data analysis. The platformfunctions on the machine learning basis that makes data collection and processing very quick.
Best features: automated yields predictions.

Descartes Crops
ID Weeds
The app contains information about more than 430 weed species that spread throughout fields, pastures, lawns, gardens, and water areas in Missouri and nearby areas. The app allows users to choose the plant characteristics from the drop-down list, and then identify it's type. It contains detailed information about each weed and at least one picture. Also, this app makes it possible for users to search for a weed by it's scientific or common name, or to select it from the alphabetic list.
Best feature: large library with data about many weeds types that you can find in the Missouri region.

ID Weeds App
This software is a tool for farmers that should help improve crop capacity and reduce costs. The app allows you to detect any possible threats to crops and notifying farmers. While it automatically detects all actions occurring in the field, users can check soil maps to find where it is better to sow weeds. Precipitations monitoring on fields, built-in heat accumulation system in the crops, and comparison of this data to the results of the previous years is another cool function. Analysis of the crop yield map on various fields helps analyze the fertility of the soil. Also, the user can make a plan for a season and see different stages of the crop growth.
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Best feature: it informs users about possible threats and crop losses, thus, the user can prevent it.

Farm Logs
Apps for farming business Jobs
This app was created for everybody who is looking for a job in farming. Since it is based on the data massif of the portal, it has no less than 4 thousands of topical job offers in USA and Canada. There is convenient search criteria. Candidates can filter job offers using keywords, location, field, industry type, career type, and even specific employers.
Users can create a personal profile to post their resume.
Best feature: it allows users to check, save, and apply for hot vacancies in the agricultural field. Jobs
This custom software is a kind of network for reliable consultants. It allows farmers to cope with malfunctions or problems in a real-time mode by connecting them with technical support from different companies using a video connection. A farmer asks for support, and at the same time he or she can stream video in a real-time mode and show visually what happened. Meanwhile, the consultant gives advice on how to fix all malfunctions quickly.
Best feature: technical support from experts in the agricultural field in a real-time mode.

This app is a news portal that notifies users about the latest news in the agricultural commodity market. It publishes reports and news from the United States Department of Agriculture, options and possible futures concerning grain crops and livestock, seasonal comparisons and technical analysis. In addition to all the above, the app provides users with the weather conditions, forecasts, heat maps, agricultural areas maps and daily rates for grain purchase on the local and regional market. This service is also working with the BarChart department, so he or she can sell/buy, get access to marketing strategies, get a technical analysis of future contract and other useful information.
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Best feature: it allows tracking daily rates for the grain purchase in the local and regional markets.

Financial apps for farmers
Cattle Market Mobile
It allows to quickly browse local reports about cattle auctions arranged by the government, as well as the USDA date in the cattle market. The "Useful tools" section includes a calf calculator and gestation calculator.
Best feature: the calf calculator and gestation calculator that allow calculating future profits.

Cattle Market Mobile app
The app allows the users to control the fleet of tractors in the fields where they harvesting. It can also detect a worker's location, where the nearest forklifts are located, as well as get information about their idle time.
In our opinion, the real advantage of this app is that the team always knows where equipment, tools, trucks and combine harvesters are located. It substantially accelerates the working process and improves controlling the equipment's condition. Sometimes fields are very huge and they can be far from each other. Movements and location will help farmers to optimize costs for fuel and come up with the the optimal route for harvesting and cultivation.
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Best feature: tracking the movement of your combine harvesters and tractor movement as well as team location.

Grain Truck Plus
Are you impressed with all the above? I hope you do. Then you can already start using any app you liked if you know that it is really what you have been looking for. Apps we have considered here are the leaders in agricultural IT sector and they are created for farmers comfort. But if you still want to have something unique and fascinating, don't hesitate to contact us and we will try to find the best solution for you.

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics
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