What Programming Languages to Learn in 2025 and the Reasons of Their Popularity
Updated 31 May 2023
11 Min
Do you know how many programming languages are there? No? There are approximately 600 programming languages. Some of them are difficult some are easier to learn, some are relic and some are only developing. But all of them are unique. Having such a wide variety it is sometimes so difficult to choose only one. Besides, some languages will become even more popular in the upcoming year but some would take off. If you want to get your golden ticket and find out what are the best programming languages of 2025, stay with us.
To become a successful developer (and I am sure that you want to become one if you are reading this article), you need to choose a technological stack to master. The wrong way is to choose the highest-paid technology. The right way is to estimate your knowledge (the knowledge and experience you already have matter a lot) and find a tool which you like. At the same time, it should be a popular technology, not an extinct one.
We've divided our top programming languages in 2025 into three categories, best backend programming languages, front-end web development languages and best language for mobile apps to make you tough decision a little bit easier.
Most required back-end programming languages in 2025
Below, you'll find the list of the most promising programming languages in 2025. All of them took their places because of some reasons. They all are different but these languages serve to build powerful and efficient back-end part of any site, web or mobile application.

Top back-end languages for 2025
1. Java
Funny thing, James Gosling invented Java by accident more than 20 years ago. Since then it became one of the most popular and common backend languages in the world. A lion's share of Java use is the Android Java, but today we would like to discuss the Java which is applied for back-end purposes.
Java is an object-oriented, multi-purpose technology. Developers use it to build server-side and desktop applications, video games and other software systems. Programmers like it because of it's speed and safety. That is why the technology is so popular in the banking and financial industries.
Java isn't an easy language to start with. If you are a complete newbie, you will find the technology very complex and massive. Still, it's easier than C language. Besides, It's a well-paid occupation. According to Indeed.com, one of the world's biggest job posting platforms, the average salary of a Java specialist in the United States is about $100,000 per year (!). Strong motivation right?

Java Developer salaries in the United States
There are a few reasons to learn Java in 2025. The most obvious is that IoT systems are based on it. Java provides network portability that is why it fits IoT projects the most. And, as we know, IoT is a huge trend of the upcoming year.
The other argument is that Java Virtual Machine allows Java to be executed on the hardware and operating system of any kind. This fact makes Java one of the most convenient and versatile back-end web development languages.
The most famous projects built in Java are Gmail, Eclipse, Jenkins and even NASA WorldWind and such websites as eBay, Amazon and Linkedin.If you think that Java is exactly what you need, you can choose a course on the following portals:
- LearnJava
- CodeCademy
- Udemy
IoT influence every sphere of our life. Even medical one. Read about IoT in healthcare: benefits, challenges, use cases
2. Python
Guido Van Rossum is a father of Python. He created it in 1991. Because he was bored. The syntax of Python is very simple that is why it's number one to study as a first back-end development language. Python resembles English and is very easy to read and understand. Just like Ruby or PHP, Python is also an object-oriented programming language. Python is a general-purpose technology which means that developers use it for different purposes. Moreover, Python has one of the biggest communities among all technologies. The explanation is simple, it is open source. Developers all over the world share their knowledge and skills with each other for free and improve the technology day by day.
One of the arguments why you need to study Python in 2025 is that it is already popular. Multiple giant organizations use it on a daily basis. And by giant, we mean such multinational companies as Google, Mozilla, Dropbox and Microsoft.
The other good reason is that Python is the most beloved technology for scientific projects. It is the main technology used in Machine learning and Data Science platforms. Which will only continue their development in 2025. Sites like Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Bitbucket and Quora are based on Python. If you want to start learning it straightforward, you can find such course on Udemy or Codecademy.
3. Ruby
Yukihiro Matsumoto, a programmer who created this language, wanted to develop a technology that would be more powerful and more object-oriented than Perl and Python. He finished his language in 1995 and it was exactly what he wanted it to be. Ruby has a nice, clear syntax which makes it attractive for beginners. To work as a Ruby developer you need to know Ruby on Rails. It is the main framework of Ruby.
Many predicted death of Ruby. They believed that NodeJS would take it's place. But they were wrong. With the 5th edition of the framework, developers got so many amazing features (like Action Cabe or Turbolinks 5) that it gets a new stage of it's development and popularity. In 2025, this blossom will not fade away. That is why you can think of the language as an option.
Watch our video to find out what are the fundamental differences between NodeJS and Ruby. Find out all pros and cons of both languages and what types of project they fit better
Node.Js vs Ruby On Rails Development
Ruby is really a very popular language, Airbnb and Twitter were created with it's help. Udemy platform offers an online Ruby course, or you can also visit Codecademy site to start learning this popular backend language.
4. PHP
Surely there is no need to introduce this technology. Because it is the most famous server-side technology in the world. Almost 250 million sites are written in PHP. The language is characterized by the high flexibility and performance. It also provides a high level of security. There are a lot of frameworks for PHP language which gives developers a wide range of options.
Still, the main popularity PHP gained because of WordPress. It is the most famous CMS system. And this fact makes us believe that in 2025 PHP won't be forgotten. About 80 million of websites in the world depend on WordPress and they aren't going anywhere. This fact should persuade you that PHP will only gather momentum in the upcoming year.
A tip from us, if you are interested in WordPress, we advise you to create plugins for it. Such startup can bring you even more money than just coding.
The most famous projects built in PHP are Wikipedia, Facebook and Yahoo. If you think that it's the best back-end web language and the most interesting option for you, you can visit Udemy website, Codecademy or Learn-PHP online course.
5. C#
As you probably know, C# was created by Anders Hejlsberg in 1998-2000. The technology was specifically designed in Microsoft company for it's needs and tasks of the .NET platform. However, since then, it is also widely applied in video games development. What is more, some developers managed to use it in mobile development of iOS apps and Android platform with the help of Xamarin framework. In 2025 C# will only grow it's popularity because of video games and Microsoft company, which create demand for the language. It all sounds interesting, right? But don't take hasty decisions, C# is even more difficult to study than Java.
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The most famous projects written in C# are Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Paintbrush, Skype and many others. The best courses to learn C# you can find on Udemy platform but it is better to learn C# from scratch on Pluralsight.
Front-end development languages to learn in 2025
In an instance you want to learn a front-end programming language, there's also a list of the most promising languages you need to pay attention to. Some of them are not new (not even close) still, these tools proved us their viability in 2025.

Top front-end programming languages for 2025
6. HTML and CSS
To be honest with you, these are not languages at all. They are the base of every front-end design and probably two of the oldest front-end technologies. We decided to combine them in this block because they work closely with each other and usually are used by one specialist. You may have thought that if they are old (the first edition of HTML was published in 1991 and the first CSS was formed in 1996) they are too old-fashioned for the modern world and that they can't fit all the criteria of an up-to-date website. Well, you are wrong. The latest versions of HTML and CSS are very dynamic, flexible and powerful. And not that easy as you think.
Of course, millions of ready-made design templates let people all over the world create beautiful looks for their websites without any programming skills. Still, if a customer wants a unique, eye-catching web design he or she will need to find an HTML and CSS specialist. And big companies always want something outstanding, just take a look at EyeStyles, Assos or Museum of the World websites, all of them are created with the help of HTML5 and CCS3. If you are ready to start your educational program, start Udemy HTML5 course or Thankful course to learn CSS3.
7. JavaScript
JavaScript is the most commonly applied front-end web language in the world. It is also the most required language on Github. The reason for it's popularity is that JavaScript allows you to create gorgeous, interactive front-end part of a website or an app. JS is also so famous because it's a cross-platform technology. Developers use it's multiple libraries to create desktop, mobile and web apps.
The two most popular libraries in JS are React and Angular. Did you know that ReactJS was created by Facebook and AngularJS by Google corporation? React is easier to learn than Angular and is more popular among newbies. If you are familiar with JavaScript but you are tired of developing front-end, you can focus your attention on NodeJS, it's a platform for server-side development.
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As you can see, the platform is at the peak of it's fame and 2025 will only continue this tendency. The most famous websites which used JavaScript for their front-end are Facebook, Instagram, New York Times, Yahoo! Mail and Dropbox. If you decided to choose JavaScript, here is a nice online JS course on Youtube for you, or you can also visit Udemy site or JavaScript.com.
The most popular mobile app development languages in 2025
Despite all the arguments we've mentioned above, we all know very well that mobile applications are going to dominate in 2025. That is why we also need to choose the best programming language for mobile apps. The most popular mobile operating platforms are iOS and Android nowadays, so if you want to develop mobile applications for them, you should stay with us.

Best programming language for mobile applications in 2025
8. Swift
Swift is a young programming language developed by the company Apple. Since it's first release in 2014, it gained unbelievable support all over the world. The most significant advantage of Swift is it's incredible simplicity. Apple corporation designed it's own mobile programming language in such a way, that even children can learn it very quickly.
Before Swift, all iOS applications (accept cross-platform ones) were written in Objective-C. The creators of Swift took all the best from Objective-C and eliminated all the cons. What they got is a safer language with much clearer syntax and many more features. The other great news is that Swift isn't completed yet, which means we will see lots and lots of new great features there soon. The best sources to learn Swift are LearnSwift.tips, and Udemy web portal.
9. Kotlin
Kotlin is also a very young mobile development language (first released in 2016) and it also isn't completed. Just like Swift, Kotlin was created to simplify the development of Android applications process. Before Kotlin, all apps for Android were written in Java, a complex and massive language. Unlike Java, Kotlin is modern, more laconic language which is easy to start with.
What you probably didn't know is that Kotlin is compatible with JavaScript which allows Kotlin to be used for both front and back-end development. Even if you don't consider Kotlin as the main technology to master, you should get acquainted with it anyway, besides, it is so easy to do. If you agree with us, you can start Udemy course of Kotlin. If you want to learn it by yourself, see the materials on the Android Developers official site.
I'm sure, you've got lots to think about. All these technologies are going to bloom in 2025 and bring lots of money and joy for those who know them. You can drop us a line if you have any questions on the topic, we'd be glad to hear from you!
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Kotlin is also a very young mobile development language (first released in 2016) and it also isn't completed. Just like Swift, Kotlin was created to simplify the development of Android applications process. Before Kotlin, all apps for Android were written in Java, a complex and massive language. Unlike Java, Kotlin is modern, more laconic language which is easy to start with.

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics
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