How To Convert A Website To Android App: Steps, Tips, Reasons To Consider
Updated 14 Aug 2019
12 Min
You probably signed up for Facebook, Twitter or another social network. We live in a mobile world, we are in action every day, so we need to stay in touch with the whole world. Apart from communication via mobile devices, we use all our gadgets for news reading, e-mailing, working, etc. So it is almost impossible today to be fully engaged in business without using mobile apps or websites.

Things you need to take into account when you turn website to Android app
Somebody plans to create a website for his business that has an adaptive design for mobile devices as well. But if you want to involve more clients, you shouldn’t forget about mobile apps. Many people cannot use websites just because they are very busy. So one shouldn’t forget about this category of people. If you have a website, you may want to find out how to convert website to Android app and use good mobile app development services. So that is the secret we will shed the light on.
Steps to convert website to mobile app
Let’s spell out all steps on how to convert a website to an Android app:
- Step 1. Consider crucial issues when you convert site to Android app
- Step 2. Check out all reasons to build Android app
- Step 3. Explore all strong sides of Android app
- Step 4. Build the list of all features for your mobile Android app
- Step 5. Estimate development cost of your app
- Step 6. Think through UI/UX design
- Step 7. Let mobile app development company build your app
What you should consider to turn website into Android app
So you have a great website. It is popular, many users visit it every day, buy something, use features of this website, etc. But it is not enough for you. Why? The problem lies in the mobile world. More and more people start using smartphones and tablets, switching to various mobile apps on Android or iOS. And you realize that if you want to develop your own website, you must promote it and extend the borders of operating systems.
Steps to undertake when you plan to convert website to iPhone app. Read How to convert website to iOS app
According to Statista, in 2018, global mobile data traffic amounted to 19.01 exabytes per month. Whereas by 2022, mobile data traffic is expected to reach 77.5 exabytes per month worldwide. Impressive? For sure. And it means you should think about how to make Android app from website since people prefer using mobile devices predominantly.
There are special tools that can simplify the conversion process, but they cannot guarantee that the new app will be attractive and interesting for users. Moreover, if we speak about native apps, it should be developed using ready-made APIs since it has its particularities that must be considered.
So if you decide to create an Android app, you made the right choice. But there are some issues that you cannot ignore when you convert website to Android application.
Development cost
Of course, it is a first important issue. You will need to invest more money for additional software development. But, at the same time, when you will have both website and Android app, it will help you rank higher on a Google search. Is it a benefit? Certainly!
The difference in screen size
When you think over how to convert website into Android app, you cannot forget about the screen size. Whether it be a tablet or smartphone, if your website is full of pictures, charts, analytics, various buttons, etc., it can be very difficult to convert in a similar design. Since the Android app won’t have all of these features websites have. Otherwise, it will be an absolutely user-unfriendly app. In this case, you have to think about how to optimize your mobile app. But app developers will help you solve this challenge
Lower search presence
It is also a downside that cannot be ignored. Native apps aren’t as searchable as web apps or websites, for example. But if you already have a website, you shouldn’t worry too much about it.
There are not so many important issues you should keep in mind when you decide to turn website to Android application. But you can make sure that if you are getting serious about the promotion of your business, the new Android app will surely be your good companion for earning money.
But how about an off-the-shelf converting tool?
Perhaps, you may try to find ready-made services which make it possible to turn website into mobile app just with a couple of clicks. Yes, there are such tools, but the problem is that they will make your website look like Android app, and that is all. User experience will look awful as well as UI will leave a lot to be desired.
Also, when you plan to create app from website, you can use plugins of WordPress or Shopify if your website functions on these engines. It will work as well, however, you will be limited in functionality, and you won’t be able to add new features if the template doesn’t support it.
That is why, if you want to remain competitive and capture users’ attention, you need to hire Android mobile app development company which will build an app according to your requirements and considering all nuances of your website. Making it a custom solution that will specifically meet users’ needs and be a good mobile add-on to a website. It is the only way you will be able to succeed and gain new mobile users.
4 reasons to turn website into app
When you have an intention to convert website to app, you probably may come across the necessity to extend your business and cover more audience. Let’s single out the main reasons why you need to make your website into an app.

Reasons to create Android app if you already have a websiite
Outreach expansion. First, it is vital to note that Android OS market share is 86,7% in 2019, according to IDC. So if you plan to cover the audience of mobile users, Android is the operating system you should start with. So you will reach more audience, you will be able to notify them about an app and website you have. It will help you multiply your revenue and gain more customers.
Learn about how much does it cost to develop an app in our detailed guide
Fast deployment. In the case of Android app, the deployment process takes only a couple of days, whereas iOS app deployment may last up to one month in the App Store. It means that you will be able to provide your audience with an app much faster, and users will start downloading an app when you convert your website into mobile app.
High customization level. Android is an open-source platform, and it enables developers to customize an app as much as necessary. For example, they can easily integrate various third-parties APIs into your app if you need to change something, so customization is possible whenever you need it.
Scalability. Android app may function on such operating systems like BlackBerry, Ubuntu, and Symbian, so it is possible to cover more audience, find new customers that will be your faithful users, and so on. That is a good tip if you plan to find ways on how to create Android app for website.
Well, now we will proceed to the list of Android app benefits that we will explore more in details.
Android app advantages as an add-on to website
The development of mobile apps will give you the following when you convert your website to Android app:

All strong sides of Android app
Full interaction between app and user
Unlike websites, you have the opportunity to send push-notifications. If you posted something new, the user will find out it. Or local notifications that function in the same way. If the user did something in the app and the app is waiting for his feedback, the user will receive notification about it after a while.
A substantial benefit of the native Android app is its quick integration into the platform. It quickly accesses phone contacts, browser, camera, and other apps to interact with them and implement its goal easily and qualitative. So when you create Android app from website, you needn’t forget about this advantage.
High-quality user interface
All control elements like buttons, text margins, links shall be convenient for finger clicking, not for mouse using. Moreover, each operating system has its own logic of switching between screens in apps. And users of each OS get accustomed to the same behavior in any app. But each website has a different interface, and every time you need to look for “Ok”, “Back”, “Log In” buttons.
Multi-touch feature
This feature you can find only in the native app whether it be Android or iOS app. It allows the user to apply various touch gestures such as swiping, pinching, etc. When converting website to Android app, this feature gives your users much more experience.
High level of personalization
The mobile app can store all user’s data and change interface depending on his demands. If the user entered his home address, he won’t need to enter this address again.
Working offline
As a rule, mobile devices have an Internet connection, but it can depend on your current location. Moreover, the quality of a mobile Internet is often worse than the quality of home Internet lines. And the app allows customers to work with the app even if there is no web connection. It can motivate you to find out how to convert web application to Android app.
Using all capabilities to the full extent
Mobile devices are personal devices. They know a lot about its user, and using this information for service level increase is the key reason for mobile apps growing. It remembers all your actions, so when you open news app every morning, for instance, the operating system reminds to this app that it will be opened soon. And the app is loading latest news in the top, so you can see them all immediately. This point also refers to the device hardware - depending on the app type you can use data from camera, accelerometer, compass, etc.
As you can see, app availability has substantial pros, moreover that we live in a mobile world, more and more people use tablets and smartphones. So even if you have a website, you should pay your attention to the alternatives of how to convert website to Android app. And we will explore the conversion process step by step.
Steps to convert your website into Android app
What is the process of conversion? You know, there are several resources that can convert web app to Android app even if you are not engaged in programming, but it will never be the same as your website. If you want to have a serious powerful app, only software developers can help you. What do developers need to implement it? They perform the following steps:

Steps to undertake for website conversion to Android app
#1. Website functionality and user story. First specialists should list all website features to understand how the future app should look, what it will perform. It is worth noting that the app cannot be exactly the same as a website. A number of features will vary since some features have reason only on the website, as it was noted above. In addition, the project manager is writing the user story for developers. What is this? It is a detailed feature list that allows developers to solve many important issues even before they start coding. They are looking for the best options on how to implement the required functionality.
Check it out what about web application average development cost. Read Web application development cost: factors and average prices
#2. Development cost estimate. Considering a number of features to be integrated, their complexity, the sales department can summarize how much the app development will be and how to convert website into Android app properly.
#3. UI/UX design. The designer creates the optimal user experience for your future app and a pleasing interface that will be attractive for you and future users. Color spectrum and color background can be the same as that of a website, but design shall be developed on the basis of a mobile platform and particularities of mobile devices. If you don’t know how to make a website into an app using special designing patterns, experienced designers will help you.
#4. Development process. Here Android developers are applying their high skills. Apart from using Android Studio, an integrated development environment for the app development, they need to apply some other technologies for the correct back-end development when you want to create an Android app for your website.
Service that determines feature suite developers can and get feedback. Interaction is performed via HTTP protocol. Widespread use of HTTP protocol is the advantage of such approach. Therefore RESTful API can be used almost from any programming language.
Database development
The database is one or several files intended for storing, changing and processing of large volumes of interrelated information. And developers need to create a new database for the mobile app.
It is a tool that divides all content into separate pages. If you see, for example, a number of pages at the bottom of the page, you can choose any page to see what you need. It is what pagination does. It is a very convenient tool in news apps.
Important! Summarizing all the above, it is very important to note that communication with database and server is implemented in a different way on the web and mobile app. You should know it when you learn how to convert website in Android app.
Besides, mobile app structure also differs from the website - the app can connect directly to the database, whereas in the other scheme server will be a communication point between database and app.
In some cases, developers can just take data from your website server for the new app, but only if the server is shaped up for the mobile OS.
So there is no one optimal solution to convert web to Android app. Each specific case requires an individual approach, so it is what you shouldn’t forget about.
Drawing the line
Unfortunately, nothing occurs by magic in this world. And to do something groundbreaking and stunning you should work as hard as you can. And the app development can not be quick and easy. But when you are confident in your future success, you must move further whatever it takes.
Android architecture our mobile app developers use. Read The architecture we use for Android apps (with code samples)
Do you still plan to launch website convert into Android app? Then you should write us a message with a description of your plans. We will get in touch with you and find the best solution together.
To convert a website to android app you have to follow these steps: Step 1. Consider crucial issues when you convert site to Android app Step 2. Check out all reasons to build Android app Step 3. Explore all strong sides of Android app Step 4. Build the list of all features for your mobile Android app Step 5. Estimate development cost of your app Step 6. Think through UI/UX design Step 7. Let mobile app development company build your app
After conversion you'll get the following benefits:
- Outreach expansion
- Fast deployment
- High customization level
- Scalability
- Full interaction between app and user
- Integration
- High-quality user interface
- High level of personalization
- Working offline
- Development cost
- The difference in screen size
- Lower search presence
It's better to avoid off-the-shelf tools for conversion because they deliver the software that is limited in functionality and has poor user experience.
To create Android app for your website you have to clearly define the requirements and create a feature list. Then, you should find an experienced software development company that will deliver a quality product.

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics
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