E Wallet App Development Cost: In-Depth Guide

17 Jul 2024

15 Min




How much does the e-wallet app development cost for your fintech business? The answer might surprise you! While the cost is important, the potential benefits of a custom e-wallet app can be even greater. Improved customer experience, increased brand loyalty, and valuable data insights are just some of the advantages to consider.

This article explores the main and hidden cost-building factors of your e-wallet app development cost. Moreover, we’ll discuss with you how you can reduce the price for e-wallet app creation, as well as its overall cost, and many other essentials.

E-wallet app is a digital payment system that securely stores and manages transactions through a mobile application. In essence, it acts like a digital version of your physical wallet, allowing you to carry your credit, debit or loyalty cards all in one convenient place.

Users can link their payment cards and bank accounts to the e-wallet app. This allows them to make payments for services such as online shopping, utility bills, and peer-to-peer transfers without needing to physically carry their cards or enter their financial information every time.

The listed operations are possible through the following constituents of the mobile wallet:

  • NFC technology enables two devices to exchange information when in close proximity, and is utilized by both Apple Pay and Google Pay. The merchant must have compatible card readers at checkout to use one of these digital wallets.
  • MST creates a magnetic signal similar to swiping a credit card, sent to the card reader of the payment terminal. For instance, Samsung Pay incorporates both MST and NFC technology.
  • QR codes, which are the scannable barcodes, can be read with a smartphone's camera. Some apps (e.g., PayPal) allow customers to generate a QR code to be used to make payments at stores.

The e-wallet working mechanism is highly secured thanks to encryption. For example, people can securely store their financial information within the app, eliminating the risk of losing a physical card. Additionally, they can set up a PIN, password, or biometric authentication (e.g., fingerprint or facial recognition) for added data safety and security. This makes it challenging for fraudsters to access user information or conduct unauthorized transactions.

e wallet app development: mechanism parts

Parts of e-wallet app operating mechanism

The e-wallet market is quite dynamic and popular: according to Polaris Market Research, the domain revenue was estimated at $9.5 billion in 2023 and projected to grow to $12.20 billion by the end of 2024 and to $88.05 billion by the end of 2032. Why is it so?

Statista states that the number of smartphone users worldwide increases from year to year. Thus, in the period from 2024 to 2029 it’ll boost to 1.5 billion customers in total, driving the demand for contactless payment solutions like e-wallets to simplify and secure mobile transactions. Paypal estimated in their report that the number of contactless transactions was equal to 1,347.7 billion in 2023 and forecasted to grow to 2,121.6 billion in 2026.

Among the reasons why companies turn to cashless payments and start thinking about e wallet app development, Paypal mentions the following ones:

  • Enhanced client experience
  • Better fraud prevention and improved security
  • Valuable data analytics
  • Seamless payments around the world

This rising demand for e-wallet apps stimulates the entrepreneurs ready to develop e-wallet app, to know more about the e wallet app development cost. We’ll explore e-wallet app development cost factors in detail, empowering you to make informed decisions as you embark on their e-wallet development journey.

Factors Affecting E-Wallet App Development Cost

We’ll explore the most essential cost-forming factors for your future e-wallet solution creation, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize your e-wallet app development budget.

E-wallet app type

The type of e-wallet app significantly influences the development cost due to the complexity and range of features required. Here's a breakdown of the cost variations based on e-wallet app type:

E-wallet app functionality according to its type

E-wallet app typeDescription

Simple e-wallet app

Offers core functionalities like:

  • P2P transfers
  • Bill payments
  • Pop-ups Integrates with existing banking systems.

Medium e-wallet app

Includes features of simple wallets with additional functionalities like:

  • In-app purchases
  • Multi-currency support

Advanced e-wallet app

Offers a comprehensive suite of features like:

  • P2P payments
  • Multi-currency support
  • Loyalty programs
  • In-app purchases
  • Budgeting tools
  • Robust security (biometric authentication)

The price range according to mobile wallet type can vary depending on different aspects (e.g., specific features chosen, development methodologies employed, overall project scope, etc.). Consulting with a qualified fintech app development partner can provide a more accurate e-wallet app development cost estimate based on your specific requirements.

Platform selection

The choice of platform is another factor you should pay attention to while planning an e-wallet app development budget. Each platform has its own design guidelines, security protocols, and user experience standards, necessitating additional development and testing efforts.

You can use the following major platform-related options when developing the mobile wallet app for your business:

  • Native development (iOS & Android). This option provides the richest user experience and full access to device features, but requires separate codebases for each platform. Moreover, it offers the most control over the app's look and feel but comes at a higher cost. Approximate cost range of the native e-wallet development equals to $100,000+ per platform.
  • Web platform development offers a versatile and accessible option for creating an e-wallet application. It also allows for quicker updates and easier maintenance. However, web platforms may not fully leverage all device-specific features, potentially limiting the user experience compared to native apps. The development cost for a web-based e-wallet typically ranges from $30,000 to $70,000+ making it an attractive option for businesses looking to balance cost and functionality.
  • Cross-platform development utilizes frameworks like React Native or uses Flutter app development services creating a single codebase that functions on both iOS and Android. This approach not only streamlines the development process but also simplifies maintenance and updates, making it a cost-effective solution for reaching a broader user base with consistent functionality and performance across different devices. The cross-platform e-wallet solution building costs about $50,000 - $100,000+.

! Kindly note that cross-platform e-wallet development is beneficial due to its cost-saving perspective, as it allows you to develop a single codebase that works across both iOS and Android platforms, significantly reducing development and maintenance costs while ensuring a consistent user experience.

Feature set and integrations

Let’s find out more about the feature set and integrations you may need for e-wallet app development, cost on average and other essentials. Our specialists have prepared a table, due to which you’ll find out the functionality differentiation to use, as well as their approximate costs.

E-wallet feature set and its cost

Feature typeDescriptionFeature examplesApproximate development cost range

Basic features

This kind of features form the foundation of any e-wallet app and are relatively inexpensive to implement.

  • User registration
  • Login
  • Balance checks
  • Money transfers
  • Transaction history

$10,000 - $20,000+

Standard features

They enhance user experience and functionality, but also add development complexity and cost.

  • In-app purchases
  • Multi-currency support
  • Basic budgeting tools

$20,000 - $50,000+

Advanced features

These features cater to tech-savvy users and require specialized expertise, driving up development costs significantly.

  • Biometric authentication
  • Loyalty program integration
  • P2P payments
  • Investment options
  • AI-powered financial tools


Custom integrations

They further personalize the user experience but necessitate additional development efforts based on the complexity of the integration.

Integrations with:

  • specific financial institutions
  • loyalty programs
  • third-party services (Cost varies depending on complexity)

$5,000 - $50,000+

This table provides a helpful starting point to plan your feature set for a business mobile wallet. But in order to tailor the features and integrations to your specific needs and achieve optimal cost-effectiveness, you should contact the skilled fintech software development vendor.

Technology stack

Strategic selection in the tech stack choice for mobile wallet creation can yield significant cost optimization. Here's a breakdown of how technology choices can impact your budget:

Mobile Architecture

  • Android: Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Android SDK
  • iOS: Swift, SwiftUI, UIKit, Core Data
  • Cross-platform: Flutter/React Native

Web Architecture

  • Backend: Node.js/Python, Express.js, Django/Flask
  • Frontend: JavaScript/TypeScript, React.js or Angular


  • JUnit, XCTest, Mockito, Jest, Mocha, Chai


  • Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD


  • Git, GitHub, GitLab, Jira, Trello, Asana


  • Google Play Store, Apple App Store

To give you a hint, we’ve also prepared the example of the technology stack our IT experts typically use when developing fintech apps like mobile wallets.

IT vendor and their location

Fintech software development vendors in different regions offer varying costs for their services due to differences in the cost of living, labor market conditions, and economic factors. Here's a breakdown of estimated nearshore and offshore e-wallet app development costs:

  • Nearshore Development. Typically located in neighboring countries or regions with similar time zones. Hourly rates for nearshore software development can range from $50 to $100+ per hour, offering a good balance between cost and communication ease.
  • Offshore development. Located in countries farther away with significant cost of living differences. Rates can range from $20 to $150+ per hour, but factors like time zone differences and potential language barriers require careful consideration.

For instance, if you're based in New York, nearshore e-wallet development partners could be found in countries like Canada or Mexico, offering similar time zones and strong technical talent at a more competitive rate. On the other hand, offshore development teams in Central and Eastern Europe like Estonia or Poland can provide highly skilled developers at even more cost-effective rates.

Despite lower e wallet app development cost might come with trade-offs in terms of time zone differences, cultural barriers, and potential communication challenges, the skilled fintech app building providers can overcome these obstacles by employing effective project management techniques, fostering clear and consistent communication, and leveraging their technical expertise to deliver high-quality solutions on time.

For example, our Cleveroad fintech software development experts ensure smooth collaboration and efficient project delivery. Furthermore, we cultivate a culture of open communication, utilizing collaborative tools and fostering regular meetings to bridge any cultural gaps and maintain clear project expectations. Combined with our proven track record in fintech app development, it allows us to deliver high-quality e-wallet solutions on time and within budget, regardless of location.

Discover your e-wallet app development cost

Contact us – and get a comprehensive consultation on e-wallet app development and personalized quote from our fintech experts

Hidden Costs of E-Wallet App Building

Let us find out the hidden e-wallet app development cost aspects that can significantly impact the overall budget.

Regulatory compliance

Adhering to financial regulations and compliance standards across different regions can be a complex and costly affair. Each country may have specific requirements for e-wallet app data security, protocols like Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know-Your-Customer (KYC), and even user authentication methods, necessitating additional development efforts and potential legal consultations to ensure compliance across your target markets.

Meeting these standards often involves additional legal consultations and certifications. The cost of implementing these measures can escalate with continuous updates to regulations. Moreover, failure to comply can lead to hefty fines and legal battles.

Here's a breakdown of the e-wallet app development cost associated with regulatory compliance:

  • Legal consultations are equal to $5,000 - $20,000+ depending on the complexity of regulations and number of markets
  • Certifications cost about $2,000 - $10,000+ concerning the specific certification required
  • Ongoing maintenance measures require $5,000 - $15,000+ per year, including regular audits and updates to security measures

Infrastructure and scalability

The backend infrastructure is the backbone of your e-wallet app, requiring careful consideration to ensure smooth operation and growth. The costs associated with establishing and maintaining a scalable infrastructure are the following:

E-wallet app infrastructure costs

Infrastructure cost componentDescriptionApproximate cost (per month)

Cloud services

Cost depends on usage and data storage requirements

$1,000 - $10,000+

Database management

Varies based on database complexity and chosen solution

$1,000 - $5,000+

Server maintenance

Cost depends on server size and required resources

$500 - $2,000+

Load balancing

Distributes incoming traffic for optimal performance

$500 - $2,000+

Disaster recovery

Ensures business continuity in case of outages

$1,000 - $5,000+

Investing in a scalable infrastructure from the outset is crucial to accommodate future growth and avoid costly upgrades later. By factoring in these infrastructure costs, you can ensure your e-wallet app has a solid foundation to handle increasing user demands and transaction volumes.

User support and maintenance

After launch, an e-wallet app requires ongoing support and maintenance to address user issues and ensure smooth operation. This includes bug fixes through Quality Assurance services, features updates, and general troubleshooting. Providing 24/7 customer support can be particularly costly, requiring a dedicated team. Additionally, regular updates are necessary to keep the app compatible with the latest operating systems and devices.

User support and maintenance can range from $1,000 to $10,000+ per month depending on the chosen support plan (basic vs comprehensive) and the size of your dedicated team. These ongoing efforts are crucial for ensuring a positive user experience, but careful planning can help manage these costs effectively.

Dive deeper in the intricacies of how to create a Bitcoin wallet app with our article!

E Wallet App Development Cost per Development Stages

Now, we’ll talk more about the e-wallet app development in collaboration with an outsourcing vendor, as well as the approximate expenditures for each of the stages.

Cost of Discovery Phase in e-wallet app development

The Discovery phase services involve gathering information, analyzing requirements, and defining the mobile wallet project scope. This phase typically lasts one to three weeks, and to determine its approximate costs, you can multiply the total hours worked by the specialist's hourly rate. The estimated cost can vary from $1,600 to $4,800 or more.

During the Discovery phase, our Cleveroad specialists provide rough and detailed project estimates for your future e-wallet app development.

  • A rough e-wallet app development cost estimate is provided to clients to give an overview of expected expenses and development stages. This process involves two rounds of revisions, with the initial estimate created following a Solution Workshop and a second one after the Discovery Phase.
  • A detailed estimate is usually completed by developers based on comprehensive documentation and requirements obtained during the Discovery Phase. The cost assessment considers various factors and specific requirements for each sprint or two developed during the development phase, facilitating detailed planning and effective communication in project management.

Price of UI/UX design in e-wallet app development

UI/UX designers focus on developing user-friendly interfaces for mobile wallets to enhance user interaction. The UI/UX design in digital wallet applications can cost from $5,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on project complexity, scope, and customization requirements.

Cost of e-wallet app development and QA

Mobile wallets are built using a combination of frameworks, libraries, and development tools for both front-end and back-end development. These tools can be either open-source (free) or come with licensing fees. Additionally, an alternative approach for creating e-wallet components is to utilize a third-party provider.

So, how much will the e-wallet app development cost? Building a minimum viable product (MVP) for an e-wallet app with basic functionalities can take at least two experienced fintech developers three months. This translates to a starting cost of $30,000+,depending on developer rates (which can vary based on location and experience).

Rigorous QA testing is also essential for a secure and robust e-wallet app. QA services typically range from $5,000 to $20,000+, depending on the complexity of the app and the scope of testing required.

Maintenance and support cost for e-wallet app

The cost of support and maintenance can range from $1,000 to $10,000+ per month depending on the chosen support plan (basic vs comprehensive) and the size of your dedicated support team. Careful planning can help manage these ongoing expenses effectively.

Operations need to follow project requirements, service-level agreements, security regulations, and the standard cloud service infrastructure. Effectively coordinate marketing and sales campaigns alongside the launch of your mobile wallet. Services should be regularly refreshed, upgraded, and optimized. Developers should implement updates with no-downtime deployment to maintain continuous availability and prevent user base fragmentation.

Summing up the matter, developing an e-wallet app requires a multi-stage investment, with costs varying based on complexity and chosen functionalities. By planning ahead and carefully considering factors like development stages, team location, and ongoing maintenance needs, you can create a realistic budget for your e-wallet app and ensure its successful launch and growth.

Overall E-Wallet App Development Cost

To tell the long story short, let’s find out the average e wallet app development cost based on its complexity.

E-wallet app development cost according to complexity

E-wallet app complexityDescriptionApproximate development cost

Simple e-wallet app

Offers core functionalities like P2P transfers, bill payments, and top-ups.

$25,000 - $50,000

Medium e-wallet app

Expands on basic features with in-app purchases, multi-currency support, and budgeting tools.

$50,000 - $100,000

Complex e-wallet app

Provides a comprehensive suite of features including loyalty programs, investment options, AI-powered financial tools, and robust security measures.


The above price range for mobile wallet creation is conditional, because the complexity of the app significantly impacts the development cost. To obtain the detailed cost estimate for your e-wallet application, you can directly contact a fintech app development partner. They can help refine this estimate based on the specific features you envision.

Expert Tips to Reduce The Costs of E-Wallet App Development For Your Business

We've compiled a list of our expert tips on how to optimize your expenditures while creating an e-wallet application for your business.

Prioritize features

While a feature-rich app might seem ideal, each additional function adds complexity and development time, consequently pushing you towards the higher end of the cost spectrum. The challenge lies in striking a balance between offering a compelling user experience with core functionalities and managing development costs effectively.

Cleveroad tip: You can conduct thorough market research to identify the core functionalities most essential to your target audience. Start with a streamlined approach focusing on secure payments and transfers. All these activities will be easier in case you pass through the preparation steps to building e-wallet with a seasoned IT vendor that can offer you qualitative fintech software development services.

Consider cross-platform development

Developing separate apps for Android and iOS can double your development workload and resources. This not only extends the time to market as well as e-wallet app development cost, but also makes ongoing maintenance and updates a complex affair.

Cleveroad tip: Consider cross-platform development frameworks like React Native or Flutter that allow you to create a single codebase deployable on both platforms. This significantly reduces development time and costs if compared to building native apps for each operating system.

Dive deeper into Fintech app development cost intricacies with our comprehensive guide!

Outsource e-wallet app development

While in-house development offers complete control over the development process and intellectual property, it might not be the most cost-effective solution for all businesses. This approach can be ideal for large companies with the resources to support a dedicated development team, but for startups or businesses with limited budgets, outsourcing can be a more attractive option.

Cleveroad tip: Strategic outsourcing of specific aspects of development to experienced fintech developers in regions with competitive rates can be a smart approach. Choose reputable outsourcing partners with expertise in e-wallet development, strong communication skills, and a proven track record of delivering high-quality work within budget.

To further emphasize the cost benefits of outsourcing, we can transition to discuss the topic of outsourcing hourly wages for e-wallet app development:

outsourcing region e-wallet app development cost

Outsourcing e-wallet app development cost for different regions

Because outsourcing allows you to tap into a global talent pool, you can often find experienced fintech developers with competitive hourly rates (e.g., like ones in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region, Estonia, compared to costs for fintech IT specialists services in North America or Western Europe). This can significantly reduce your final development costs in comparison to building an in-house team.

Cleveroad Expertise in E-Wallet App Development

Cleveroad is a fintech software development company with 12+years of hands-on experience in the domain. Our team assists financial institutions and establishments in automating workflows, enhancing financial operations and transaction security through developing the robust fintech software solutions, including e-wallet applications, on the basis of modern technologies and tools.

Working with us, you can receive the following bunch of benefits:

  • Partnering with a trusted fintech IT company, certified with ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 (quality and security), for software development services and IT consulting
  • Solution Workshop stage (free of charge) to clarify your business issues and offer a proper tech solutions for your e-wallet application
  • Signing the NDA to protect the uniqueness of your mobile wallet concept per your request
  • On-demand fintech software development services: creating mobile wallets from scratch, software modernization, UI/UX design services, IT consulting, and so on.
  • Project Management Office making sure that work on your e-wallet creation meets all your goals, on time and on budget
  • Qualitative QA services to check your e-wallet app on each step of its development and ensure its smooth performance

In order to demonstrate our experience in Fintech software development, we’d like to share with you some successfully implemented cases from our portfolio:

Cleveroad can be your trusted partner in developing a secure, user-friendly app that streamlines your financial operations and boosts customer satisfaction.

This is what Kirk Donohoe, CPO at MangoPay, tells about cooperation with our Cleveroad team on their Fintech project:

Kirk Donohoe, CPO at Mangopay gives feedback about cooperation with Cleveroad

Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost to develop an e-wallet app?

The cost of developing an e-wallet application can vary significantly depending on features and complexity. Consulting with a mobile app development company can provide a more accurate estimate, but generally, a basic e-wallet app can range from $25,000 to $50,000, while feature-rich solutions can exceed $100,000.

How much does a digital wallet cost?

The cost of a digital wallet, also known as an ewallet application, depends heavily on the features and complexity of the app development. Simpler apps with basic functionalities like money transfers will cost less than those with features like investment options or loyalty programs. Expect the following ranges:

  • Basic e-wallet app development: $30,000-$50,000+
  • Medium e-wallet app development: $50,000-$100,000+
  • Complex e-wallet app development: $100,000-$250,000+
How much will the wallet app design cost when collaborating with an outsourcing fintech IT company?

The UI/UX design in digital wallet applications can cost from $5,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on project complexity, scope, and customization requirements. This represents just a part of the total ewallet app development cost, which can vary significantly based on the app features you choose to include. Ultimately, the cost to build will depend on the specific functionalities you prioritize for customers that use your application.

Give the advice on how I can reduce the digital wallet development cost

You should work on your features prioritization choosing the core ones first. Then, you can consider cross-platform e-wallet development as a cost-effective alternative for creating a fintech app both for Android and iOS. Finally, the fintech software development outsourcing is a strategic decision that can unlock a global talent pool with competitive rates, potentially saving you significant development costs.

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About author

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics

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