What Is the Cost of Hiring an App Developer in 2024?

Updated 02 Sep 2024

15 Min




How much does it cost to hire an app developer? The answer to that question depends on multiple factors: the hiring option, the developer's country of residence, the level of competence, and skillset. Additionally, the type of app you're developing and its complexity can significantly influence the cost. Understanding these variables will help you make an informed decision when choosing the right developer for your project.

Considering our experience in the app development industry, we've compiled the latest information for 2024 to help you understand the cost of hiring an app developer. This comprehensive guide will break down the various factors that impact pricing and provide you with a clear understanding of what to expect to pay when engaging developers.

What Affects the Cost of Hiring App Developer?

Let's explore the factors that will provide you with a clearer understanding of what influences your product development budget, enabling you to plan it effectively and select a skilled app developer.

App developer’s skillset

When you hire a mobile app developer for iOS or Android, their skillset plays a crucial role in determining project success and cost. Here's a breakdown of app dev skills for different platforms:

iOS developers

  • Programming languages: Swift (and Objective-C for legacy projects)
  • Development tools: Xcode IDE, Swift Package Manager
  • Design principles: Human Interface Guidelines, Apple Design Resources
  • Version control: Git, GitHub/GitLab workflows
  • Data management: Core Data structure, SQLite
  • APIs: UIKit, Cocoa Touch, RESTful APIs
  • Graphics: Metal or OpenGL

Android developers

  • Programming languages: Kotlin (and Java for legacy projects)
  • Development tools: Android Studio, Gradle build tool
  • Design principles: Material Design, Android architecture components
  • APIs and databases: Experience with API and database interactions, Room Database
  • XML technology: Understanding of XML for layout and resources, Android Jetpack components

Cross-platform developers

  • Mobile development: Experience with Android or iOS development, familiarity with hybrid app frameworks like React Native
  • Design patterns: GoF templates, MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
  • Programming languages: Kotlin, Swift, Dart (for Flutter), JavaScript for React Native
  • Development tools: Flutter framework, Visual Studio Code for cross-platform development
  • Software development lifecycle: Understanding of SDLC and architectural approaches
  • Networking technology: Knowledge of networking principles, WebSockets

Note: These are the core skills required for mobile solutions building. Depending on the specific project requirements, additional skills might be necessary, such as:

  • Cloud platforms: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform
  • Testing frameworks: XCTest (iOS), Espresso (Android)
  • UI/UX design: Proficiency in design tools like Figma or Sketch
  • Security: Understanding of security best practices and frameworks

The table below provides an overview of hourly rates for app developers by regions, considering the most in-demand platforms for mobile apps like iOS, Android and cross-platform-based.

Please note that these app development costs can vary significantly. For a more accurate quote, it's recommended to consult with individual developers or app development providers.

App developer hourly rates by dev platforms

PlatformCentral and Eastern EuropeWestern EuropeNorth AmericaSouth AmericaAustraliaAfricaAsia

























The comparison of hourly rates for app developers shows that Western Europe has the highest hiring an app developer costs across all platforms, with North America and Australia following closely. Conversely, Africa and Asia offer the most budget-friendly options. But you should understand that the price alone doesn’t determine quality. The Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region strikes a balance, offering a favorable price-quality ratio to hire iOS app developer or Android one. This makes CEE region a compelling choice for those seeking skilled application developers at competitive rates without compromising on quality.

Development team size

The decision on team size should balance the project's complexity, budget, and desired timeline to ensure both cost-efficiency and product quality. Companies must carefully evaluate their project needs and budget constraints when deciding the optimal team size for app development. Ultimately, aligning the team's size with the project's goals is crucial for achieving a successful outcome within the budget.

Let’s find out an approximate cost for a month of work of different app developer team sizes.

costs for app development teams for month

Monthly costs to hire app development teams

App complexity

App complexity is a critical factor in determining the cost to hire an app developer. Advanced features like real-time data processing and third-party integrations require specialized skills and more development hours, driving up expenses. Complex apps also necessitate rigorous testing, ongoing maintenance, and often a larger development team, all of which contribute to higher costs. Businesses should carefully consider app complexity to ensure their development budget aligns with their needs.

Below there’s an average development time and estimated costs breakdown. It is calculated by our specialists based on different levels of your app complexity.

  • Simple app (basic features, minimal integrations): 200-400 hours, $10,000 - $20,000
  • Moderate app (additional features, some integrations): 500-800 hours, $25,000 - $40,000
  • Complex app (advanced features, multiple integrations, custom UI/UX): 1000+ hours, $50,000+

App platform

The average cost to hire an app developer varies significantly depending on the mobile app development platform (iOS, Android, or cross-platform). Developing native apps for iOS and Android requires separate codebases and expertise in specific programming languages (Swift for iOS and Kotlin/Java for Android), often leading to higher development costs.

In contrast, cross-platform solutions built with frameworks like Flutter or React Native allow for a single codebase that can run on both platforms, which can reduce development time and costs. To maximize efficiency and cost-effectiveness, many businesses from different domains choose to hire Flutter developers for their cross-platform projects.

Here's a breakdown of estimated development costs for different platforms:

Development cost and time for different app platforms

PlatformDevelopment timeEstimated cost


600-800 hours

$30,000 - $40,000+


600-800 hours

$30,000 - $40,000+


400-600 hours

$20,000 - $30,000+

Kindly note that the best platform choice depends on your app's specific needs and priorities. Consider factors like target audience, desired features, performance requirements, and long-term maintenance costs when making your decision.

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Hidden Aspects of Cost to Hire App Developer

When planning to hire app developers, it's easy to focus on visible expenses like salaries, tools, and software licenses. However, there are often hidden costs that can significantly impact your budget and project timeline if not carefully considered. So we'll explore some of these overlooked expenses, helping you make more informed decisions.

Let’s delve into the below table to know more about equipment and licenses that app developers typically require. Moreover, you’ll discover the associated costs that should be factored into your app development project planning.

Equipment and licenses

Developers typically need high-performance computers and other devices to work efficiently, which can be a significant upfront expense. Additionally, specialized software licenses for development tools, testing environments, and design software are essential but often come with recurring fees. These costs are not always included in initial budget estimates, leading to unexpected financial strain. Furthermore, keeping software updated to the latest versions is crucial for security and functionality, adding to ongoing expenses.

Equipment expenditures to hire app developers

Cost categoryDescriptionPotential costs


High-performance computers, laptops, tablets, and other devices needed for development

$2,000 - $5,000 per developer

Software licenses

Development tools (e.g., IDEs, compilers, frameworks), testing software, design tools, version control systems, and cloud platforms

$1,000 - $3,000 per developer per year

Software maintenance

Ongoing costs for software updates, bug fixes, and security patches

$500 - $1,000 per developer per year

Cloud services

Subscription fees for cloud-based services used for development, testing, or deployment

$100 - $500 per developer per month


Monitors, keyboards, mice, and other accessories that may be necessary for efficient work

$200 - $500 per developer

Project management prices

While the direct cost to hire a mobile developer is often the primary focus, it's equally important to account for the indirect expenses associated with project management. To ensure a smooth and efficient development process, you'll need to invest in tools and resources that facilitate collaboration, communication, and project oversight. Project management tools can include:

  • Documentation software (e.g., Confluence, Google Workspace, etc.). Platforms to store and manage project documentation, requirements, and design specifications. It may cost you $50 - $200 per month.
  • Communication platforms (e.g., Zoom, Slack, and so on). Tools for real-time communication, such as messaging apps, video conferencing, and project management software. The monthly expenditures for communication platforms may consist of $20 - $100 per user.
  • Project management tools (e.g., Jira, Trello, Asana). Software to track tasks, deadlines, and progress, as well as manage resources and budgets. Your monthly expenditures for this kind of software may be $10 - $50 for a user.
  • Support personnel (e.g., project manager, tech writer, IT support specialist). Dedicated individuals to handle administrative tasks, ensure data security, and provide technical assistance. The cost for hiring such specialists may vary depending on their experience and responsibilities.

Onboarding costs

Onboarding costs for a new app developer can vary significantly based on factors like the developer's seniority (junior app developer, middle or senior), the complexity of the project, and the company's onboarding practices. However, you should generally expect to allocate around 1-2 weeks for a comprehensive onboarding process.

This might include time for training on company tools and processes, familiarization with the project's specific requirements, and potential pair programming sessions. While it's difficult to provide exact figures, you might expect onboarding costs to range from $1,000 to $5,000+ per developer.

Security costs

Security measures are a critical but often hidden cost to hire an app developer. Implementing robust security features, such as encryption, secure authentication, and data protection protocols, requires specialized knowledge and additional development time, which can drive up costs. Moreover, adhering to industry standards and regulations like GDPR or HIPAA adds complexity, requiring developers to implement compliant security practices.

Let’s revise some of the costs associated with security when you hire app developers:

Security costs associated with hiring app devs

Security costs you should consider while hiring app developers

Average Cost For Hiring an App Developer

The average cost to hire an app developer ranges from $50 to $250+ per hour. For a simple app, you might expect to pay around $10,000, while a more complex enterprise app could cost well over $100,000. The cost to make an app can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the developer's experience level, location, and the complexity of the project.

Key factors influencing the cost of hiring mobile app developer include:

  • Developer experience: Senior developers with specialized skills often command higher rates.
  • Location: Developers in tier-one regions (e.g., the United States, Western Europe) tend to charge more than those in others.
  • Project scope: Larger, more complex projects require more time, leading to higher costs.
  • Timeline: Tight deadlines may necessitate additional resources, potentially increasing costs.

Find out the intricacies of the cost to build an app with our article!

Tips to Optimize Cost of Hiring App Developer

Based on our extensive experience in offering mobile app development services, we've compiled the list of major tips that will help you reduce your overall costs while hiring specialists to ensure high-quality app development. By following these strategies, you can maximize your budget and achieve your app development goals efficiently.

Evaluate the project scope and requirements

Before hiring an app developer, you should evaluate the features, functionality, and target mobile platform that will help you avoid scope creep, leading to unexpected expenses. Whether you're considering a simple app or a more complex solution, it's crucial to break down the project into manageable phases and prioritize features that deliver the most value to your users.

Our experienced team of project managers and business analysts will work closely with you to define your project scope and requirements. As one of the top development companies, we'll conduct in-depth discussions to understand your vision, goals, and target audience. This collaboration ensures that your project stays aligned with your business objectives, helping you effectively manage the cost to hire a mobile developer and avoid unnecessary complexities that could drive up costs.

Invest in planning and prototyping

Detailed planning has a significant impact on how much it costs to hire an app developer. By identifying potential challenges and refining the app's concept before development begins, you can reduce the risk of costly changes later in the process.

By investing time in upfront planning, you can streamline the development process, reduce the risk of costly rework, and ultimately achieve a more successful and cost-effective app development project.

This early-stage validation ensures that the development team has a clear understanding of the project’s goals, which leads to more accurate hiring an app developer cost estimates and efficient execution. Moreover, a well-defined plan and prototype can help in securing additional funding or stakeholder buy-in, which can further offset development costs.

Leverage nearshore and offshore software development

Utilizing nearshore or offshore software development can be a strategic way to optimize costs when hiring app developers. Nearshore teams, located in neighboring or nearby countries, provide the added benefit of similar time zones and cultural proximity, facilitating smoother communication.

Offshore teams, while potentially requiring more coordination due to time differences, can significantly reduce costs, especially when you hire a developer for long-term projects. Whether you're looking for an Android app developer or an iOS app developer, it's essential to choose a reputable development partner and establish clear communication channels to ensure project alignment throughout the app development process.

Dive deeper into how to hire mobile app developers with our extensive guide!

At Cleveroad, we have a large pool of experienced software developers with diverse specializations. This allows us to quickly match you with a specialist who possesses the necessary skills for your tech tasks. Our team of experienced professionals can effectively manage both nearshore and offshore projects, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration. Our dedicated project managers and skilled developers work closely with clients to bridge any cultural or time zone gaps, delivering high-quality results that are ready for the App Store or Google Play.

Utilize Agile development methodologies

Agile software development methodology allows for continuous feedback and adjustments, enabling the app developers to prioritize the most critical features and make informed decisions throughout the development process. By dividing the project into smaller sprints, you can regularly assess progress and make changes before costs rise, avoiding large-scale rework and saving time and money.

Work with skilled app developer vendor

Reach out today to receive app developers CVs within 24 hours and schedule interviews within 1-2 days to hire the best fitted tech experts

How to Hire an App Developer to Succeed?

Numerous outsourcing IT vendors deliver their services to businesses, as well as their own perspectives on how the project should go. How can you choose a reliable offshore software development services firm from such a large pool of options?

If you wonder how to do that in order to optimize hiring an app developer costs, look through our brief advice list on outsourcing vendor's selection.

Analyze vendor’s expertise

Outsourcing app development offers numerous benefits, including access to a global talent pool, cost efficiency, and faster time to market. When analyzing a vendor's expertise, begin by reviewing their portfolio to assess the quality and diversity of their past projects.

You can also check client testimonials and case studies to gauge their reliability and success in delivering similar projects. Evaluate their technical proficiency by exploring their knowledge of relevant programming languages,frameworks, and platforms. Lastly, consider their industry experience and how well they understand your specific business needs.

Consider the communication aspects

You should concentrate on communication conditions the company offers and evaluate it using transparency and seamlessness standards. Thus, determine whether your potential team members are fluent in English (or any other language you require) in order to facilitate communication. Consider instruments they use for inside communication, as well as working hours of your future vendor to see whether they fit with yours.

At Cleveroad, we prioritize open and transparent communication. Our team members are fluent in English. Moreover, our robust project management office is always available to address your questions and provide updates on project progress.

Find out their security issues solutions

Determine whether you may sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with them to protect and maintain the confidentiality of your concept. Don't forget to question the vendor's compliance with foreign legislation (e.g., GDPR, or CCPA). Inquire about encryption techniques used to secure acquired data, privacy rules, and the preservation of private information.

Evaluate their approach to project management

When evaluating an IT vendor's approach to project management while considering the cost to hire mobile app developers, assess their methodology and how it aligns with your project needs. Review their experience with Agile, Scrum, or Waterfall frameworks and their ability to adapt these methodologies to your project’s complexity and timeline.

Look for clear communication channels, transparency in progress tracking, and a well-defined escalation process for addressing issues. Additionally, evaluate their history of meeting deadlines and staying within budget, as well as their use of project management tools to facilitate collaboration and reporting. Lastly, consider how they handle post-launch support and ongoing updates.

Our Cleveroad team offers a flexible and results-oriented approach to project management. We utilize Agile methodologies, such as Scrum, to ensure transparency, collaboration, and adaptability throughout the development process. We prioritize open communication, regular updates, and proactive issue resolution to ensure project success.

How Much Should It Cost to Hire an App Developer at Cleveroad?

If you search for an optimum price and quality ratio in app developers' services for your upcoming project, we can assist you. Cleveroad is a skilled outsourcing app development vendor headquartered in Estonia. We've been assisting startups and organizations of all kinds in acquiring cutting-edge technology for 12+ years. Moreover, we offer businesses access to our pool of over 280 skilled in-house application developers, ensuring their project needs are met efficiently.

Collaborating with us, you'll get a bunch of the following benefits:

  • Elaboration of a rapid app development process without bureaucracy or hidden costs
  • A team of app developers rapidly adapting to modifications and seamlessly fitting into established workflows
  • Collaboration with an experienced technology partner accredited with ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standard certifications ensuring strong and efficient software security and quality management.
  • Flexible cooperation models like staff augmentation, dedicated team, time and material
  • Services available on-demand: legacy system modernization, software creation from scratch and upgrading, UI/UX design services, and so on.
  • Providing a free Solution Workshop stage to help you match the right technical implementation with your app vision.
  • Accurate control of product quality at all stages with highly qualified QA engineers.
  • Post-release support, maintenance, and advertising services for our customers

Start your app development cooperation with us and receive a product that will perfectly fit your business requirements. We are eager to help you gain your aims. You can know more about cooperation with us looking through our portfolio or watching a video review from one of our clients.

That’s how Henrik Loop CTO Blockbuster, TDC gives feedback about cooperation with our app developers in Cleveroad.

Henrik Loop CTO Blockbuster, TDC tells about cooperation with Cleveroad app developers

Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a mobile app developer cost per hour?

The cost of an app developer per hour can vary widely based on the complexity of your app project and the developer's expertise. On average, an experienced developer may charge anywhere from $50 to $150 per hour to create an app. When planning your app development budget, it’s crucial to understand how much it costs to develop an app, as this will influence your overall cost of app development. The hourly rate can also depend on the region and the specific requirements of your app.

How much does it cost to pay someone to develop an app?

The cost to pay someone to develop an app varies widely based on several factors, including the complexity of the mobile app development projects and the platform, whether it's for iOS and Android app development. App costs can range from $10,000 for a simple app to over $100,000 for more complex features and integrations.

Choosing a mobile app development company with the right expertise and experience can also significantly influence the cost of mobile app developer hiring. For the most accurate estimate, you can contact us to discuss your specific requirements with potential developers.

How much do developers charge per hour?

The hourly rate for mobile app developers can vary widely depending on the project's complexity and the developer's expertise. For a basic app, developers might charge anywhere from $20 to $50 per hour, while the best app developers working on more complex projects could charge $100 or more. The mobile app development process typically involves multiple stages, and costs can add up across the entire app development. When determining how much does mobile app development cost, it's essential to factor in these hourly rates, as they significantly influence the overall budget.

How much does it cost to hire an app developer?

The cost of hiring a mobile app developer varies widely, depending on factors such as the developer’s experience, location, and the complexity of your project. On average, app developer hourly rates can range from $25 to $150 or more. To find out how much it will cost to hire an app developer for your project, consider the specific needs and scope of your app. Whether you're developing mobile apps solo or assembling a mobile app development team, your final thoughts on app development should include careful budgeting to ensure the best results.

How much do you pay a developer for an app?

The amount mobile app developers charge for creating a mobile app depends on the complexity of the app, ranging from a few thousand to several hundred thousand dollars. Software development companies often provide an initial estimate, but be aware of hidden app development costs that can arise during the process.

To turn your app idea into reality, it's essential to have a clear idea of how much you're willing to invest. The overall cost of dedicated mobile app development includes not just coding but also design, testing, and post-launch support.

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About author

Kateryna is a Cleveroad business analyst striving to investigate innovations that improve people's lives. She loves to tell readers more about technologies of the modern world. She also enlightens tech topics as to business domains like Logistics and Supply Chain, Healthcare, Fintech, and others.

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