How A Conference App Changes The Way People Network and Build Business

Updated 06 Jul 2023

11 Min




What is the key to a successful conference? To hold the conference in the best way, organizers need to elaborate it wisely and consider many important details. Apart from arranging a right schedule and necessary agenda, they need to find the way to get people interested and invite them to visit their conference. It is quite difficult to do it without using special software. But not all apps can provide organizers with right features, so good conference target app means a lot to them.

That is why a high-quality conference mobile development is something professional conference organizers have been waiting for a long time. Read this article to see what you need to create an app for conferences to start a successful business and occupy a new business niche.

Why is the app for conferences a real solution for organizers?

Let's imagine - you are not an entrepreneur, you are an attendee. What do you need to get from the conference, why, and the main thing HOW? If you are able to answer all these questions, you will be able to help conference organizers provide their visitors of future conference with the target information they expected. And the conference will become a really cool for their attendees.

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How do people usually find the information concerning one or another conference? On the Internet, of course. Majority of companies or enterprises publish posters on their websites indicating that soon a new conference will be held, time and venue are indicated as well. As a rule, you can find the agenda for the upcoming conference right on the website and other relevant information. But websites don't offer an absolute usability as conference management software does. Let's see what problems conference organizers face when they hold their meeting in an old-fashioned way.

Common problems conference organizers face

Let's consider main challenges all organizers may come across. 

Large venues

The first problem they must solve is to provide visitors with the maps of the venue where they hold a conference. As usual, today it is not a problem to find a good conference hall in any large city. It is possible even to book the hall in local theatre or city mall if organizers have a plan to hold a conference for a few thousand of people. So, when people arrive at the place indicated, they can lose themselves in the large building. Venue map on the website can solve this problem, you say. Well, the website will not help if there is no Internet connection. And even if somebody proposes paper maps to everybody visiting a conference, no one will want to carry a lot of papers with themselves. But the mobile app for conference is the solution. The user can find all information right there quickly and easily.

Agenda and business cards

Unfortunately, the same situation occurs with paper agenda and business cards. It is rather a widespread situation when after the conference it's MC  gives a business card to all visitors who asked for it, but then some of them can lose this card. That is painful, isn't it? But all contact details of the narrator or details of any other important participants stored in conference app will help avoid this. As for agenda, of course, everybody can see it on organizer's website, but the app will provide much more convenience. Attendees can see detailed agenda and schedule when each item of the conference will be discussed.

conference event app

Sample of agenda for the conference

How to establish a cooperation?

The conference was really valuable and helpful for all attendees. They started discussing some mutual problems with each other, sharing business cards and so on. But see what's happened - one visitor talked to a few dozens of other visitors, but he or she cannot remember now what they talked about with the owner of that or this card. How can it be fixed? With the development of your conference management app, all people can share cards virtually and write all details right there.

Finishing on time

It can be rather difficult to allocate the time for each item to be discussed at their conference. Sometimes it can be longer that is unlikely to be pleasant for attendees. Or it can be much shorter, that is also unacceptable for the conference. That is why organizers can adjust time frames in their app allocated for each item, and it will help them optimize the discussion time.

Busyness and distractions

For example, 30 persons applied for visiting an upcoming conference. But did all of these 30 individuals visit the meeting? I am sure not. And the first reason is their busyness. They simply forgot about the conference since they were very busy. Your mobile app will let them avoid it in future - organizers can send push notifications to all potential visitors specifying the date, time, and venue. And it is better to do it twice - 24 hours before the start of the conference. and 2 hours before.

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Poor attendance

Sometimes people cannot visit a conference not because they forgot about it. Due to some objective reasons, it may occur that they need to stay at home or they feel sick or they went on a business trip. Is there any alternative? Yes, it is a live streaming. If a conference organizer app has a live streaming feature, it is possible to adjust conference streaming in a real-time mode.

Lack of access to all information

Even if people watch live streaming, they can see badly everything MC is writing on the whiteboard. So it means they will not get a full info. In the mobile app, you should add a digital whiteboard to write down all keynotes and important ideas spelled out at the meeting.

conference agenda app

What problems conference organizers face

As you see, the list of problems is not so short. And the website isn't enough for successful organizers to launch successful conferences, meetings, and other events. Moreover, even one failure can damage everything they worked on for many years - especially their reputation. Potential attendees shouldn't come into the problems above, and if you manage to solve them with the app - it will help an organizer become prosperous and your app will be in demand. The mobile app for conferences is the right way for you to approach. Let's find out what features you need to include to create a high-quality app for conferences.

MVP features to be integrated into your app for conference

Before you start to develop mobile app for summit, conferences, or a similar business event, you should determine the set of basic features the app will include. Right features in the app will mean whether the app will be popular or not for future users. I will provide you with main features that your app for conferences should include, and our developers can give you some tips concerning ways to enrich your app and make it really competitive. But first things first.

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Important! Mobile event apps for conferences should be available on all popular mobile operating systems like iOS and Android. If you create it only for one OS, you will lose a great part of customers base.

Personal profile

All professional conference organizers should have the opportunity to create a personal profile to create their own agenda concerning each conference, while visitors can create their profile to sign-in and register for the conference, and collect all meetings they visited. Also, this personal profile will help distinguish all users personally.

Maps of venues and nearby locations

As we noted above, people don't like wasting time while looking for the location of the conference in the large city mall. Think about it beforehand. Add maps of the venue where the conference will take place, and thus it will always be on hand. Mind to add not only map of the hall but all map of all surroundings like nearby streets and districts.

conference meeting app

Map of the venue

Registration or social sign-in

If organizers already have a website, they can make it possible for users to use the same registration data to sign in to app account. Also, you can simplify it adding a social sign-in when people can log in using social media accounts. As organizers may orient on specialists in specific fields, you'd better add Facebook and Linkedin platforms to use for sign in.

Sharing to social media

Make it possible for users and organizers to share all interesting news from your app to their social media accounts when you plan to arrange conference app development. Also, consider allowing users to share the information with each other. Your app can become some kind of small social media environment where attendees discuss the results of last visited conference, for example.

Live streaming

Well, actually, this feature can be referred to the optional features, but in fact, your app will gain the lead among users if you add a live streaming feature. It will increase the number of potential visitors for any conference. 

conference app features

Live streaming from the conference

List of visitors

It will be important since both organizers and attendees as well usually want to know who will visit the conference. It will help them determine whom they can build valuable connections with on the conference and prepare some questions or offers.

conference networking app

List of all attendees in the conference app

Discover new opportunities with a mobile event app. Read How to create an event app

Push notifications

Organizers will send all alerts about important events to their visitors, or about any changes in the program, and visitors will always stay up-to-date.


All news regarding conferences, any changes, updates etc. should be displayed in one news feed on the app homepage.

news conference app

Newsfeed in conference app

Offline mode

Of course, if organizers start a serious conference, they should provide all their visitors with a reliable Internet connection in the venue. But all important information in your app regarding location maps, agenda, number of visitors etc. should be available in an offline mode as well.

Admin panel

This feature should be created personally for you, and it requires backend development to let you control your app for conferences from web panel. Here you will be able to add some changes and maintain the app as an administrator.

Additional features to enrich your app

Now then, when you created an app for conferences with included MVP features listed above, you can come to a thought that your app needs some features to be added additionally. They will make your app absolutely fantastic. And here are additional features for you.

Documents uploading and reading

App users may need to upload some files with the presentation of the upcoming event, so you'd better add this feature to make an app better. Also, you should add a text reader.

Integrated chat

Upon the conference finishing, you can make it possible for attendees to chat with organizers or speakers to discuss the results of the conference and perspectives.

Surveys and statistics

When holding a conference, people like to see figures, not only letters. So you can add an additional category with interesting statistics, polls or surveys to give people useful info or organizer can use it to ask visitors some questions to understand what they should improve in future.  

conference app surveys

Survey to find out visitors' mind

Information for foreigners

It can be simple touristic info containing interesting data about the city where the conference is held. And you can add a Wikipedia API with the main information about the majority of cities in different countries.

App monetization

And the last one but not the least - how you can earn on your app. I bet you agree with me that it is a very important part for app owners. Well, by default your app should be available for free. When people see that the app is really useful, they will be ready to pay for some conference app benefits.


The most widespread way of any app monetization. On the one hand, it is very convenient. Your app is available for anybody for free, everybody can easily download it from app stores, but there is a dark side of the moon. On the other hand, too much advertising will not impress the customer and it can even repel your customers. So don't overload your app with an ad.

If your main monetization way is advertising, you can offer customers the app version without any advertising. But in this way, they need to pay for this app.


Competitors sometimes can be beneficial for each other. You can find a partner who has a similar app for conferences or for the organization of any other events, and you can offer his or her service for a certain fee.

Well, our company can find some other additional ways for your app monetization, you simply need to write us a letter, if you decided to create your own app for conferences.

Wrapping up, we can state that software means a lot in business for today, it is hard to argue with this fact. If you are an entrepreneur who wants to invest money in this type of business and build conference app, then an app for conferences will be a good choice for you. Experience of our developers will make it possible to create a high-quality app per your requirements. If you need to get some tips, you don't know how the whole development is going - don't worry, it is the task we will resolve. Contact us right now, and click on Subscribe button that is on the right side of the page you can see now.

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About author

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics

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