Where Do Cool Real Estate Names Come From? Online Generators vs Research

Updated 23 Mar 2023

8 Min




Are you ready to put the first cornerstone into your business and give it a brand name? Real estate industry is definitely one of the most competitive. For better or for worse, your company name creates a first impression with customers-to-be and investors. It's the foundation of your brand's initiatives and growth. So naming is not a decision that should be taken lightly.

How to Create a Cool Name for Your Real Estate Business?

3 steps to generate catchy real estate team names

How can you get ready for the most important strategic decisions a company will make? To let the name be not just a "sign", but a brand working for you, you need to do a great job. Here are some of the inevitable steps each new company has to take.

real estate company names: steps to create

3 steps towards real estate company naming 

Step 1. Brainstorm

The first step of generating great real estate business ideas is brainstorming. To make this session as effective as possible, you should follow a few simple rules. First of all, get prepared for it. Think of the solutions individually and make a list of ideas that you will introduce to others.

Naming is only the first step towards building your brand. Learn about real estate website development in our detailed guide

The second thing is to know exactly what core objectives your business has and make a lead-in into productive group brainstorming. Simply structure information about your company as follows:

Target audience

Define your target customers. Making Personas is a great way to predict whether your suggestions will become successful. For an agency dealing with elite, expensive housing "affordable housing" doesn't fit. On the contrary, if you are engaged in selling simple apartments, it's silly to use the word "elite" in the name of the firm.

Competitive advantage

Think of your company's competitive advantage. It will help you reflect it in real estate name ideas. If you work with both commercial and residential real estate, then the name should be general. If you work with only one kind, it is desirable to outline the range of services you provide.

Geographical coverage

Keep in mind the geographical coverage. If you are going global, take into account that the same word or phrase can have different meanings throughout the world.

Time proven concepts

Try time proven concepts. You can follow the road of existing company names. Let's say, your [Family Name] + Real estate or [Nickname for Area] + Realty. The number of combinations is almost endless.

Step 2. Research

When you have a list of catchy real estate names you are considering, it's time to take the next step. Careful research with the following criteria will help narrow down the list.

Study your competition

Your main goal is to stand out among the competition. It's a good idea not only to check your competitors' names but also their styles, tonality, and message they deliver to the clients. Find what makes your brand different and play on that.

Make Keywords Analysis

Google Adwords' Keyword Tool provides comprehensive information on how popular certain terms and words are. Pay attention to slightly different words that may overlay your company in the search results.

Comply with a domain name

At this point, you can check on the availability of the domain names you have. Such services as Go Daddy, Register.com and DomainRegistry.com allow you to check that quickly.

See if it is legally available

See if it is legally available. Check it with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office first if you are in the US or any other similar local service.

Real estate business is extremely competitive. Check out some of the world's most popular real estate services.

Step 3. Evaluate

When choosing from your list of unique real estate names, think about your customers. Will it be easy for them to operate with the name you're thinking about? Beside your customers' convenience, think of your business growth and development. It will be grounded on the brand name you're creating right now.

So, make sure you answer 'yes' to all these questions (or the majority of them):

  • Is the name easy to spell and pronounce?
  • Won't the meaning cause the market confusion? 
  • Does it evoke positive emotions? 
  • Is the name you've chosen catchy and descriptive? 
  • Can it be visualized easily? 

Real estate business name generator: Give it a try or not?

There's another way of acquiring the ideas for your company name.The use of such services as an online real estate company name generator. There are tons of suchlike services available on the Internet. You can even choose a suitable one for your approach. Let's see the existing ones in more details.

That's why there is no need to go through all the previously mentioned steps. You can focus on more important things for building your brand, such as:

  • Finding a [software development teams](internal:https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/software-development-team/) that can bring your project to life and add value to your idea;
  • Creating design that will fit your company name and image;
  • Starting to build your brand awareness by creating a landing page and developing a marketing strategy;
  • Brand building with the help of experienced marketing and project managers;
  • Planning further business development (mobile apps, marketing, etc.)

We are pleased to share our knowledge and experience in creating real estate mobile apps. Enjoy it!

Common mistakes in generating real estate agency names

No matter which way you acquire the ideas, this process is rather tricky. You may make mistakes that can negatively affect your company brand and reputation in the future. So here are 5 common mistakes you'd better try to avoid when choosing a real estate agency name.

Common mistakes when you name your real estate company

Common mistakes in your company naming

Mass deciding

Involving too many people in the decision-making process. Of course, brainstorming implies the collective discussion of all possible ideas. However, this isn't true about making the actual decision.

'Overacting' or 'underacting'

Complicated names that require decoding or plain boring names aren't good for your business. Try not to make your customers think too much when they see your company name. And vice versa, a predictable name will never let your business stand out of the crowd.

Following cliches

Every company wants to be the top one. But only smart ones will. Don't be among those who put the words 'best', 'top', 'A1' in the name of real estate company.

Misspelling words

It worked with Naymz and Flickr. However, it's a risk to be not found in Google, as people usually spell words the way how they hear them. Not only people, voice assistants like Siri, too.

Following a short term trend. Don't buy into temporary popularity. Things that are well-liked today can drive your brand back tomorrow. Just remember memes.

There are a lot more mistakes you have to avoid when naming your real estate agency. What if you discover that you've made a crucial one when your business is long under way? Let's find out!

Is it okay to change real estate company names?

The truth is, it's much worse not to change the name if it misleads your company. However, before changing the name of real estate company, it is important to evaluate the existing brand and the degree of recognition by current and potential customers. There are cases when an outdated name based on the name of the original owner can become "branded" in the minds of the consumer.

The name change can be a part of your business rebranding campaign in case you're afraid to lose customers. The threat can be minimized by applying some well-proven techniques, like mirror changes and enlarged transition periods.

Anyway, it's imperative not to let such important decision-making choices such as naming the business flow freely. Use all your creativity and sensibility to initiate a start for your real estate agency and name it after you've considered short-term and long-term perspectives.

BTW, have you subscribed to our blog? We have lots of useful information for startupers there, so don't hesitate to leave us your email. Meanwhile, here is a video you may be also interested in:

How to create an app title and description

Remember that all your ideas are feasible if you choose the right team to implement them. Get in touch with Cleveroad and tell us about your idea. Let's unite our efforts to get the win-win outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are good real estate names?

An excellent real estate name should be catchy, easy to spell, evoke positive emotions, and should be easily visualized.

How to name a real estate company?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. You should name your company according to your preferences and expectations. However, mind to build a list of the best variants and conduct a research. Company name should be compatible and legally available.

How do I choose a real estate name?

There are three main steps that will help you choose the company name:

  • Brainstorm
  • Research
  • Evaluate

The first step requires you to make a list of the variants that seems relevant. On the second stage analyze each of them. Compare them with your rivals' names, and conduct Google Ads analysis. The final step is all about evaluating the best contenders. Decide whether the name is catchy and easy to spell. If the answer is yes, that's your choice!

How to create real estate company name?

There are two ways to create a real estate company name. The first one is manual. You have to make a list of ideas, conduct research, and carefully choose among the variants you have. If managed properly, this approach guarantees a catchy and memorable name.

Another variant is to use a real estate name generator. This software can build a company name based on several words of your choice. For example, Brandroot is a kind of service that not only offers real estate team names ideas but also lets you buy the domain right away.

However, we recommend you to take this process into your own hands.

Can I use the word Realty in my business name?

The word Realty may be forbidden to use unless you provide services of buying, selling, leasing, and management of real estates. It can mislead clients, so it's better not to use it in your company name. Still, if there's no other variant, make a detailed research to understand the legitimacy of this word.

What are good names for a real estate company?

Here are 10 real estate company names that worth your attention:

  • The Trophy Group
  • Top-Notch Realty
  • Home Basics
  • Creative Property Management
  • Home City
  • Home Light
  • HomeSmart
  • Landmark Network
  • Dream Town
  • Meadows Group
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Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics

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