BaaS Solutions: Cloud Backend As Your Best Tool In The App Development

Updated 08 Nov 2022

10 Min




It may seem that software development is a very complicated process. However, owing to many special tools, you can simplify the development and make it much faster. There are many ready-made services but we would like to pay our attention to specific ones. And it will be backend development. BaaS is here to help you. 

Backend-as-a-Service offers ready solutions for integration of a server part into your app. How does it work and what advantages can you obtain using cloud backend as one of the cloud infrastructure services? Let's look into it.

BaaS definition: what is a cloud backend?

So, you came to the conclusion that you need your personal app. But in addition to a platform selection, you need also to determine how the backend of the app will be developed. We would like to shed some light on the alternative to backend building from scratch called Backend-as-a-Service option. And that is one of the most popular cloud services for today.

How to create a BaaS-based mobile app? Read How to build cloud-based mobile applications?

You may have another mind, but we should explain that the development of server part is a very difficult and time-consuming work. Moreover, when developers start developing backend part, they can hardly predict the correct time it takes to develop since nobody knows what pitfalls they may come across. Besides that, developers can use outdated tools they have at the moment. Therefore, these outdated tools may lead to the development price increase and ultimately make this backend far from being user-friendly. But it can be avoided with the help of BaaS business solutions.

Mobile backend as a service

What is BaaS?

Everything unknown may look strange and not trustworthy. But only until you get acquainted with this technology closer. Simply put, using BaaS you get different server resources that will assist you in the construction of the backend for the project you want. Why is it so beneficial to use BaaS? It will let you avoid large expenses connected with your own writing and subsequent maintenance of server backend. So if you consider it necessary, we can always use BaaS technology to assist you in the new start-up development.

Advantages of BaaS: services it suggests for your app

First, as it was noted above, a required backend can be developed for a short period of time as well as a platform for data processing that comes from mobile apps. BaaS features contain cloud storage, push notifications, it's own infrastructure, social media integration etc. All services listed contain their own BaaS API so they can be added to the software.

BaaS makes it possible to prevent developers from dealing with the following tasks:

  • physical app server;
  • database; 
  • client-server library; 
  • writing of admin control panel; 
  • API design; 
  • hosting. 
What is BaaS

BaaS is the service with included technologies

Special SDKs and APIs will assist you in it.  So if we return again to BaaS meaning, it is a rather new invention in the area of cloud technologies, and the better part of such startups was launched only a few years ago for the first time. As a sequence, we can see that this service is gaining popularity.

BaaS-based application - what specific benefits do you gain?

In future, API-based BaaS will make it possible to turn other software services into the backend, and even users themselves will be capable of creating their applications for the specific platform using BaaS. So all features displayed above like push notifications, social integration etc. will be represented in all apps that were created using Backend-as-a-Service. Whether it be iOS or Android platform - there is no difference. As you can see, reusable service has serious advantages over the conventional development process. But let's consider these advantages more thoroughly and see why you need to use BaaS for the software development and what is backend development.

Cost reduction

When one creates a serious large application full of high-tech features, it is necessary for anybody to consult serious professionals in this field, right? Thereafter, it will undoubtedly make you invest a lot of funds into the development since everything will be built from scratch. Not the most profitable way.

Then, after completing the development, you may require to use a cloud to test your app. But you will have to find a skilled specialist that knows how to work with cloud resources and perform backups, security integrations and other tasks in the cloud service. This task is far from being simple. And of course, you will have to offer a professional good reimbursement. Do not want it? Ok. What alternative do we have? BaaS, of course. It will help you avoid a costly app management. Benefits of BaaS are obvious.

Learn the story of a Firebase service. Read Firebase is your next favorite cloud-based service

In addition, you can try also architectural framework using Cloud BaaS. It contains end-to-end infrastructure as well so you can save on the fair amount of money.

Do more - spend less!

Today many companies create a mobile application as well even if they already have an official website. Thus, it helps them promote their business and increase the gross revenue. And when one company spends too much time on the development, it is possible that another company can create something similar with the same features much faster.  It means their app can be more beneficial than and first company will just waste time and funds. In addition, a market can be full of apps that can be their competitors so it is highly required to develop it better, quicker and in high-grade.

So when it comes to a cloud backend, you can significantly reduce software development cycles. You simply need to use specific BaaS providers. It will let you pay less attention to coding part. Thus, you will concentrate on your front-end and design development and make your app really amazing and crowd-pleasing. Deadline is not missed, everything goes according to plan. A perfect option!

Any device is open for you!

BaaS makes it possible to write code for a large number of mobile devices. Also, it can be the web if you want to convert a mobile app into the web app. If programmers are engaged in this task with their strength, they will have to spend a lot of time. Furthermore, there is a high probability of slipping up in the code. However, many Backend-as-a-service providers have native SDKs for various platforms. So move to Cloud BaaS!

Constant updates

As you know, any mobile app shall be updated constantly at regular intervals. It allows users to have a good experience. Updates are designed for elimination of all bugs available in the app. But every update means money spending. Mobile backend-as-a-service will provide you with seamless integration of features for mobile apps.Continuous Integration conception is used here and developers can make any changes when it is necessary. Many BaaS tools are designed to simplify this process and save your money.


Using MBaaS features, you will obtain scalability options that come as on-demand options. If you need it - you can choose it. It means you can adapt your app for any platform you need. And if developers will come across some bandwidth problems, cloud backend will help solve this problem.

High security

Of course, the first question that any developer can ask is how their data will be secured when they use cloud BaaS? First developers can face difficulties when they need to replace the vendor. However, in most cases, MBaaS provider just export all data via Management Console and it allows app developers to choose vendor portability. But, in addition to it, BaaS software protects all data, eliminating the risks of cloud computing. Users cannot get a direct access to the servers. By the way, there are so-called Access Control Lists that can keep data from hacking by malefactors.

Range of prices

As a number of BaaS providers increases every year, they can offer various services for the mobile app launch, so services may vary. But on the whole, if you have already released your app and it is gaining popularity, but you want to promote it more effectively, you can find additional features presented by BaaS providers. These features include paid services, so you can pay and keep on promoting your app. Since the choice is very wide, you can select the service meeting your personal requirements.

Mobile app backend server

BaaS strong sides you can gain

See why in-app purchases can be good for you. Read Why you need in-app purchases in your Android app?

You can choose MBaaS paid services at various prices and they are usually drawn up into specific categories. The price may vary since everything depends on traffic and income generation from the mobile app.

A fly in the ointment

But not everything is so shiny regarding mobile BaaS. Of course, this technology also has some drawbacks and it wouldn't be correct not to mention these weak sides.

As for the main drawback, we can say with certainty that every company can cease to exist. And BaaS providers are not an exception to this rule. Unfortunately, the provider can leave this business and stop services provision. As it happened to Parse service in the beginning of 2016. In this case, if it happens, you will look for another MBaaS provider, of course. You can switch to this services, but it may require redesigning and recoding of your app considerably. Why? Because new service may contain absolutely different API. So when Parse shut down, many developers had to deal with a large number of problems with their backend part. And despite the fact that Parse infrastructure contained an open-source license, new providers created a new BaaS compatible with Parse database.

And the second drawback that we would like to note. It is customization of backend infrastructure that is usually very limited. That is you may want specific functionality that is not available.

Points to consider during the mobile app development using BaaS

Also, some issues must be considered by developers that both create and use BaaS servicers before they start working with them.

Create APIs and SDKs to make them invariable

Developers engaged in the development of BaaS app should pay their attention to incessancy in usable APIs and SDKs. Thus, each of them should be able to be used repeatedly in the same manner through all backend. It doesn't mislead users since they can remember patterns and code once for using any API that you provide with. And it allows you not to memorize new rules for each service.

Apps front-end must be customized

BaaS is more oriented to basic backend systems unlike PaaS technologies. It requires mobile apps to be developed around functional capabilities of this system, but not for the creation of customized stack for each app. Developers of mobile apps must consider it during the development and use of APIs and SDKs in BaaS.

Data is in the first place!

Data comes first in BaaS. And the API that contains this data must become the center of the mobile app development. The final decision regarding who will get access to this data and how the app will work with this data depends only on the developers. So apart from making the data closed from the unauthorized access, it also must be secured properly.

Define BaaS

Key points to follow while developing the app

Our opinion

Our company is experienced in the development of one project using Parse service. But, despite the fact that Parse backend is not already available, we are also ready to involve other BaaS providers to create the project especially for you. Our team of high-skilled professionals can offer you many alternatives of the app development. Write us, share your ideas and we will be your best assistants through the whole development process! And how about a subscription to our blog?

Pay your attention to our video:

How to build a BaaS app?

Frequently Asked Questions
What is BaaS?

Backend-as-a-Service offers ready solutions for integration of a server part into your app.

Advantages of BaaS?

Let's consider all advantages more of BaaS for the software development.

  • Cost reduction

BaaS will help you avoid a costly app management. In addition, you can try also architectural framework using Cloud BaaS. It contains end-to-end infrastructure as well so you can save on the fair amount of money.

  • Do more - spend less

When it comes to a cloud backend, you can significantly reduce software development cycles. You simply need to use specific BaaS providers. It will let you pay less attention to coding part. Thus, you will concentrate on your front-end and design development and make your app really amazing and crowd-pleasing. Deadline is not missed, everything goes according to plan

  • Any device is open for you

BaaS makes it possible to write code for a large number of mobile devices. Also, it can be the web if you want to convert a mobile app into the web app.

What are the BaaS features?

There are several technologies included in BaaS:

  • Data base
  • Social media integration
  • Data management
  • File storage
  • Infrastructure
  • API
  • Push notifications
What are the disadvantages of BaaS?

There is several significant disadvantages of BaaS that should be taken into account

  • Every company can cease to exist and stop BaaS services provision
  • Usually, customization of backend infrastructure is very limited
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About author

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics

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