Project Management System for Middle Eastern Countries

A SaaS web-based application for project management with custom right-to-left support for Middle Eastern B2B customers.

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About a Project

Our client is a French IT company with product lines lit up with the idea of creating a SaaS solution for process automation and project management with Arabic language and right-to-left (RTL) layout support. The company needed a reliable tech partner to develop such a solution, meeting the demands of the Middle Eastern market.

Goals set to Cleveroad

Build a software solution for project management and business automation to offer it to B2B Middle East companies

Develop right-to-left UI design from scratch for Middle East localization

Provide the client with the thorough business analysis services and further tech support

Solutions we've delivered

Creation of bespoke SaaS web-based platform localized for Arab market customers. Integration of the necessary functionality, enabling teams to plan the projects, assign tasks and organize workspace to efficiently achieve the goals set

Custom development of visually-appealing and intuitive design supporting Arabic language and right-to-left UI. Application of the best design practices for the full compatibility of the system’s elements with specific layout

Conducting in-depth analysis of the existing solutions on the market. Providing the Focus Groups’ feedback rounds to gain deeper insights into user needs, gather early feedback, and prioritize essential functionality

Results for the Customer

A well-structured project management system which allows our client to deliver ongoing services to B2B clients in the Middle East on the subscription basis. The system fully reflects the demands of the target market, guaranteeing a stable revenue stream

Custom-built platform with right-to-left layout support, which enables our client to deliver service to the Middle Eastern market on a subscription-based model

Seamless cooperation and accelerated software development through the delivery of qualitative tech services. Ensuring IT consulting services with the specific focus on creating a fully-fledged product relevant to the Middle East market, satisfying the end users needs

Business Challenges

Our customer, a French IT company, strived to create a custom platform for business processes automation and project management to offer services to Middle Eastern companies and get a stable revenue. The software concept needed to incorporate a web-based platform with right-to-left UI and Arabic language support. Middle Eastern businesses lacked project management software with such feature combinations that could fully satisfy project team needs with a custom-built, localized system. Thus, our customer needed a technical vendor who could:

Create a collaborative system for successful project management. Build a SaaS solution that caters to the diverse and complex users needs while maintaining usability and accessibility. It was required to implement the relevant functionality, allowing teams to efficiently track tasks and optimize business.

Satisfy the demands of Middle Eastern business in multifunctional software. Deliver the custom platform for UAE B2B customers for working on projects. It was needed to ensure right-to-left UI and Arabic language support to keep software’s appeal and effectiveness for the target audience.

Ensure quality collaboration with the external team. It was important to establish coordinated work with the client’s team to ensure all the design components meet the specific market demands, launch the product quickly and successfully.


Project in Details

We’ve created a custom project management system with right-to-left UI design and Arabic language support

Business Architecture

  • The Cleveroad team has designed flexible and customizable Workspaces within the project management tool. This module allows users to have free access assigned to them being in the role of a workspace admin, and enabling them to invite other team members to their workspaces. In addition, users can create other types of entities within the workspace, depending upon their permissions.
  • The Station module is implemented as part of the Workspace. It allows users to strategically design their Workspace and align with their current objectives, facilitating a seamless workflow across all the departments and achieving improved productivity.
  • The Lists with Tasks are available in the solution. It enables users to create multiple lists within one Station, which is convenient for breaking down complex projects or multifaceted operational tasks into more manageable components. Each list can represent a different stage, aspect, or category of work, so that the team members can efficiently prioritize and manage the scope of tasks.
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Product Essentials

Core features and modules revealing the logic of the web-based project management system.
Workspace structure

The project management system provides a flexible and customizable workspace structure to meet each business’s needs. Users can create workspaces tailored for clients, departments, and programs. Within these workspaces, they have the ability to establish stations dedicated to specific projects or operational tasks.

To prevent data loss, the system allows to create documentation repositories directly within the workspaces. Users also can create custom lists to organize your data, complete with powerful calculated attributes. These lists can also be linked to create structural hierarchies and facilitate lookups.

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Inviting users for collaboration

The invitation feature allows for accessing of both team members and clients to engage in collaborative efforts. Collaborators can be invited to participate at either the workspace or project level, ensuring their involvement in the relevant context. Access privileges are tailored to fit in the particular roles of collaborators.

Executives are provided with specialized access to dashboards and reports, ensuring insights into the progress of projects and tasks. There are also discussion and commentary functionalities integrated to allow collaborators hold conversations, share insights, and provide feedback on tasks, documents, and reports, facilitating convenient and seamless communication.

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Custom smart views

A versatile custom Smart Views feature enhances visibility within projects. This feature allows users to customize their experience by offering a selection of dynamic views including Grid, Kanban, Calendar, and Gantt charts, each tailored to specific needs.

Grid view helps records just like spreadsheets, with inline editing, dropdowns, and sorting options. Kanban view comes in handy to organize records in stacks for streamlined workflows, featuring drag-and-drop functionality. With Gantt chart, users can visualize projects, adjust tasks on the chart, and establish task dependencies for effective planning. Calendar view ensures a clear picture of milestones and due dates, with daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly perspectives.

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Introductory hints for new users

The onboarding feature introduces new users to the project management system seamlessly. Contextual hints and tips are positioned to guide users through core functionalities, such as project creation, task management, and collaboration.

This approach helps users to swiftly comprehend the software capabilities and make the maximum use out of it. With a smooth and guided onboarding, the introductory hints feature enhances user adoption, enabling efficient project management, execution, and collaboration from the outset.

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Automatic notifications

The project management system essentially incorporates an automatic notification system that ensures users are informed about any modifications done within Workspaces and Stations. This feature provides real-time updates, enabling users to keep up with the project progress.

Automatic notifications allow teams to respond quickly to evolving project requirements, enhancing collaboration and productivity. Through this feature, the platform significantly contributes to efficient project management and streamlined communication.

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Development in Detail

  • We leverage an individualized development approach, facilitating seamless collaboration within a "mixed" team. This covers close cooperation between customer stakeholders and our employees, resulting in a highly efficient project team. The customer required an outstaff team. The Cleveroad experts were managed fully by the client’s company. Our team has successfully implemented such a unique project management system, handling all the arising challenges, and delivering qualitative software which satisfies the needs of the Middle Eastern market.
  • Our Business Analysts and Solution Architects conducted in-depth market analysis and research to differentiate the product’s specialized interface from the standard layout. The experts reviewed the competing products and their user interfaces, defined challenges and frustrations of the target audience, and composed functionality based on user needs and potential for distinction.The primary research helped the platform gain credibility of customers and engage them into using the highly-oriented solution growing the value for the business users.
  • During the Discovery phase, Solution Architects, Business Analysts, and a Designer accompanied by the customer-side Tech Lead and Project Manager have produced a comprehensive set of deliverables to lay the groundwork for the project. These incorporated a feature breakdown list (FBL) complete with estimated timelines, functional and non-functional requisites, a project plan, and a Gantt chart designed for budget oversight. The process also delivered strategic assets like Value Stream analysis and Competitors analysis, all contributing to a well-planned project creation.
  • As a key step in our engineering process, we handled the challenging right-to-left UI requirement. This involved building our interface elements for key views such as Grid, Kanban, Gantt, and Calendar entirely from scratch. Each component was imbued with its own right-to-left rendering logic, addressing the complexity of the United Arab Emirates script. To guarantee the Arabic translation accuracy and layout adjustments, our UI/UX designers collaborated closely with an Arabic translator from the customer side to provide the most valid user interface design rendering.

Technology stack

Tech stack was chosen and used considering customer needs and the solution's business logic

Web Architecture





AWS infrastructure

Results Obtained

We’ve delivered a SaaS web-based project management system, meeting the Middle East market requirements.

Stable revenue stream and requirements meeting

Our client has received a SaaS project management system, allowing our customer to generate a consistent revenue stream through a subscription-based model. This achievement ensures stable income and ongoing service monetization, addressing the needs of businesses from the Middle East with the Arabic language support and right-to-left UI.

Client satisfaction with the outstanding UI experiences

Custom project management system with the UI design optimization catering to the Arabic market. The app aligns with right-to-left layout conventions, and seamlessly integrates Arabian language support. The solution delivery has resulted in enhanced user trust, greater retention, and increased engagement. Now, the platform is trusted by over 10,000 professional users.

Qualitative software product integration

Our client was delivered with a smooth and efficient solution implementation process, ensuring a swift start. Our development phase maintained a high quality, with approximately 95% of the features delivered bug-free. The system’s flexibility allows the teams to operate full-time or on-demand as needed, minimizing support efforts and expenses.

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